Project: iSiGG – A dynamic, interactive simulation system for fire, smoke and pollutant propagation in buildings with people interaction
Project Period: 01.07.2016 - 30.06.2019
Budget/Financing: 1,2 Mio / 0,8 Mio (total), 0,3 Mio (CIB)
Objectives:The aim of the project is to combine the methods of numerical fluid dynamics, numerical crowd flow simulation and the semantic building model, mapped in complex software tools, intelligently, dynamically and expandably to a holistic simulator, with which fire, smoke and pollutant spreads in buildings through fire, accidents and terrorist attacks during online variation of the building condition (open/closed windows, doors, passages etc.) can be investigated and the safety standard of the existing or newly designed building can be assessed. The simulator is implemented as a Software as a Service (SaaS) cloud platform so that the complex, compute-intensive numerical methods are easily accessible and quickly deployable by all those involved in construction, security and rescue.