Blandau, Benno
Diploma Thesis:
Project development for a property with residential and functional units for age-appropriate living
Benno Blandau
University Professor Responsible:
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. Jens Otto
University Supervisor: Dr.-Ing. Jan Kortmann
Editing Period:
18.03.2021 until 18.07.2021
This paper examines the project idea of an age-appropriate housing estate for an undeveloped plot of land in the municipality of Löbnitz (district of Nordsachsen). The focus of the work is the evaluation of the building project with regard to the economic benefit. For this purpose, the general conditions of the project were first established in a literature review. An exemplary housing unit was then designed and planned for the given plot of land. Based on these results, construction costs are determined and a suitable financing model is developed. The project is then evaluated in a feasibility study. For this purpose, the analyses important for the project development (e.g. location and market analysis) are carried out. The final step is the economic feasibility analysis by means of a complete financial plan (VOFI). For this purpose, three different scenarios were developed to test the project under different initial conditions. The results show that for the good and base case scenarios, the project is relatively profitable, with an increase in equity after 20 years. In the case of the bad case, the project had a negative final value after 20 years and turned out to be a non-economic investment. In order to examine the influence of various input parameters, the profitability analysis is followed by a sensitivity analysis. The thesis concludes with recommendations for the implementation of the project.