Burkhardt, Constanze
Diploma Thesis:
Carbon concrete composite: for use in underground infrastructure components
Constanze Burkhardt
University Professor Responsible:
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Jehle
University Supervisor: Dr.-Ing. Jan Kortmann
Editing Period:
30.06.2021 until 30.10.2021
The potential of carbon concrete construction has been discovered in recent years primarily for building construction. The areas of application in underground infrastructure construction have been considered less so far. In the context of weighing up the advantages and disadvantages of the carbon concrete construction method, the paper provides an overview of potential areas of application in underground infrastructure construction. From this overview of potential areas of application for carbon concrete construction, two types of construction were selected and a scenario was developed in each case for comparison with conventional reinforced concrete construction. The selected scenario A comprises the construction of a walkable pipe walkway in open construction as pipe segments with a circular cross-section and a nominal diameter of DN 3000. For the selected scenario B, a stormwater overflow basin is constructed using pipe segments with a rectangular cross-section with a nominal width of 2.00 m and a nominal height of 1.50 m in open construction. Both types of prefabricated elements are considered in the reinforced concrete construction method and the carbon concrete construction method respectively. In addition, a cost and process comparison is carried out on the basis of a calculation of the individual costs of the partial performance for the two precast element types. The results of the thesis include an investigation of the application potential of the carbon concrete construction method in underground infrastructure construction and a cost estimate of the selected precast elements, taking into account the manufacturing, transport and assembly costs. This thesis can be seen as an impulse to further establish the carbon concrete construction method in practice.