Kauth, Laura
Diploma Thesis:
Criteria study for the renovation or replacement of an office building
Laura Kauth
University Professor Responsible:
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. Jens Otto
University Supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. Romy Wiel
Editing Period:
22.03.2021 until 22.11.2021
In this paper, an online survey was developed, the results of which are intended to provide assistance in the future when deciding between refurbishment and replacement of existing old office properties. For this purpose, the basics of empirical research, the real estate industry and project development were first determined. Subsequently, all relevant criteria were investigated that need to be taken into account when deciding between the two scenarios (refurbishment or replacement). A survey was then developed from this investigation. As a result of the survey, which is still pending, a generally valid ranking of the criteria should result, from which a weighting of the necessary criteria can be determined by means of a matrix procedure (the complete pair comparison). These criteria with the corresponding weightings are to be used in a utility value analysis. This should minimise misjudgements due to subjective influencing factors of the participants.