Koeltzsch, Moritz
Diploma Thesis:
Strategy for the future development and handling of construction waste and rubble in Germany
Moritz Koeltzsch
University Professor Responsible:
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Jehle
University Supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. Lukas Hammel
Editing Period:
08.06.2021 until 26.10.2021
In this thesis, a strategy for the future development and handling of construction and demolition waste is developed. For this purpose, the basics of waste management in relation to the construction industry are considered. For this purpose, the responsibilities arising from the Closed Substance Cycle and Waste Management Act (KrWG) and the Mantel Ordinance (MantelV) are presented and the measures for reuse are dealt with. The content of this thesis also includes the unused recycling potentials based on the material flows, regulatory framework conditions and future developments. Furthermore, the development and the current status of landfill space are discussed and the quantities of construction and demolition waste exported from Germany are considered. In addition, future demand for primary and secondary raw materials is mapped. The Federal Statistical Office, the Federal Environment Agency and the Federal Association of Building Materials - Stone and Soil (Bundesverband Baustoffe - Steine und Erden e. V.) provide the data basis for the development and current status.
For the development of the future strategy, an overview of the status quo was created and problems and goals were formulated on the basis of the data and the examination of the current handling of construction and demolition waste. Based on the findings, a strategy consisting of seven successive steps was developed. The first step is to determine the status quo, followed by the development, introduction and implementation of measures, and finally the monitoring, evaluation and tightening of these measures. Proposed solutions and recommendations for action in the areas of waste avoidance, demolition, dismantling, processing, recovery, recycling, acceptance, market improvement, landfill, building materials and building components were developed for the measures. For the preparation of this thesis, research was conducted in reference books, journal articles, university publications and, above all, internet sources. A large part of the internet sources includes current publications by the Federal Environment Agency or building materials associations, in order to be able to make forward-looking statements. The central result of the diploma thesis is that today's circular economy with its waste hierarchy represents a comprehensive basis that can be further improved through various adjustments. These include, above all, increasing the acceptance of secondary raw materials and recycled products among clients and customers, as well as improving the market situation for recycled materials in the construction industry. This can be supplemented by updating existing standards on the basis of newly recognised research results. All in all, the public sector plays the biggest role in the development towards a modern circular economy. It can influence supply and demand on the basis of legislation and minimum quotas, or demonstrate the technical safety of recycled products and reduce reservations through showcase projects.