Eschke, Robert
Diploma Thesis:
Project development in the context of EU taxonomy)
Robert Eschke
University Professor Responsible:
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. Jens Otto
University Supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. Charlotte Dorn
Operational Supervisor: M. Eng. Franziska Hasse, Drees & Sommer SE
Editing Period:
25.04.2022 until 22.08.2022
The EU taxonomy is a central tool of the European Union to implement the self-imposed climate targets up to the targeted climate neutrality. This paper examines the impact of the EU taxonomy on project development in the residential asset class. For this purpose, the energy policy legislation that led to the EU taxonomy and its legal framework are analysed. Subsequently, an analysis of the criteria of the delegated regulation EU/2021/2139 was used to work out the necessary implementations to achieve EU taxonomy compliance. Both physical and transitory risks emanate from the EU taxonomy and climate change. The analysis of the stakeholders involved in a project development has revealed various feedbacks of the EU taxonomy through stakeholder requirements on the project development. Through the EU taxonomy conformity of a property, opportunities for positive value influence could be identified. The formulated thesis "EU taxonomy influences project developments in the residential asset class in the real estate industry" was confirmed by showing the direct and indirect effects of EU taxonomy. Finally, the insights gained were related to a project of the practice partner of this work, Drees & Sommer SE.