Kettern, Bianca
Diploma Thesis:
Potential analysis of modular construction for contracting authority with multivariate requirements
Bianca Kettern
University Professor Responsible:
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. Jens Otto
University Supervisor: Dr.-Ing. Jan Kortmann
Editing Period:
30.09.2021 until 30.05.2022
The potential of modular buildings for a university education and research institution such as the TU Dresden is the subject of this study. By recording the existing building fabric of the university, a closer look is taken at the distribution of space in a representative building. The research shows that in the existing buildings there is a predominant proportion of mixed use, which requires a division of the different uses into the areas of research, teaching and administration in further consideration. The basic requirements for a university building and the requirements resulting from the areas mentioned are highlighted in the work. In the further course of the work, the different types of modular construction are considered and the special features of a modular construction project during the construction and utilisation period are described. In the following, two modular construction manufacturers are examined in more detail and the different systems are compared. The possible areas in which modular construction can be used are illustrated in the following as examples. The potentials in the areas of time, costs, construction site equipment, environment and resources as well as adaptability and convertibility are described in detail and the special potentials that can arise for the university are highlighted. Using a selected modular building, the use and conversion during the different phases of use are shown. The results are summarised in a solution-oriented manner.