Koopmann, Ineken
Diploma Thesis:
Influence of structure and material composition of road pavements on greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption
Ineken Koopmann
University Professor Responsible:
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. Jens Otto
University Supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. Lukas Hammel
Editing Period:
28.09.2021 until 28.05.2022
This paper deals with the greenhouse gas emissions and the energy demand of asphalt and concrete construction in road building. First, the origins and levels of the respective emissions are analysed.
Then, the question is addressed as to what influence the durability of road pavements has on the long-term development of the greenhouse potential and the energy demand. For this purpose, projections are carried out on the basis of an asphalt base course and a concrete surface course, which examine the development of emission levels depending on the renewal interval. For the asphalt construction method, a variation of the layer thickness and the addition of recycled aggregate is analysed. For the concrete construction method, the replacement of cement will be investigated in particular.
As a result, it can be determined for both construction methods that a long-term reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and energy demand can only be realised if the durability does not significantly deteriorate depending on the emissions that can be saved during production.