Bürke, Antonia
Diploma Thesis:
Resource-efficient dismantling of the concrete structures within the containment of a pressurized water reactor
Antonia Bürke
University Professor Responsible:
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Jehle
University Supervisor: Dr.-Ing. Jan Kortmann
Operational Supervisor: Dr.-Ing. Anton Philipp Anthofer, VPC Nukleare Dienstleistungen GmbH
Editing Period:
14.10.2022 until 17.02.2023
In the present work, two dismantling concepts for the disassembly and free measurement of the concrete structures within the containment of a pressurized water reactor were developed. For this purpose, two sampling concepts already prepared for the Stade and Unterweser nuclear power plants were analyzed and evaluated for the structures concerned. For the Unterweser nuclear power plant, a general model for further sampling was developed. In addition, an analysis of the ongoing deconstruction of the concrete structures within the containment of the Stade nuclear power plant was performed. In this way, the influence of the sampling concept on the dismantling process was to be analyzed. For this purpose, a survey of the potential influencing factors on the deconstruction concept was carried out. Based on the available data, the considerable influence of the contamination distribution in the soil calotte and the activation distribution could be proven. This was taken into account in the development of the two deconstruction concepts. It became clear that the contamination varies depending on the power plant site and its input in the soil calotte is directional. A decision tree could be created to better evaluate the sampling results. The introduced contamination provides for an increased radiological background and thus requires shielding measures. Concepts were developed for this purpose. In the development of the dismantling concepts, resource-efficient methods were considered and evaluated. However, a broader data basis is required for a final consideration. The work can be regarded as a first basis for this.