Forßbohm, Florian
Diploma Thesis:
Economic analysis for automated masonary construction
Florian Forßbohm
University Professor Responsible:
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. Jens Otto
University Supervisor: Dr.-Ing. Jan Kortmann
Editing Period:
03.06.2022 until 02.12.2022
In this thesis, the economic efficiency of automated processes for the production of masonry is investigated. The focus is on the requirements analysis for the Wallbot robot system, which was developed by the Institute for Mechatronic Mechanical Engineering at the TU Dresden. Within the scope of this investigation, the manufacturing costs for a reference wall were determined and compared to the conventional construction method. This was followed by a scenario analysis. The investigated application scenarios differ on the one hand by the operating mode and on the other hand by the number of robots used. In addition, the holding costs are specifically included in the analysis. Through the evaluation and interpretation of the results, it can be proven that the performance parameter and labour cost share decisively determine the economic efficiency of the Wallbot system. Savings potentials in production in the context of shortened construction times could not be identified according to the current state of development, which is why further technology developments are necessary for economic operation. Furthermore, the advantages and disadvantages as well as the necessity for the use of automated manufacturing processes were discussed. In an overview of the current state of the art, further robot systems were presented and considered with regard to their structure, area of application, advantages and disadvantages as well as economic efficiency.