Lorec, Frédéric
Diploma Thesis:
Economic evaluation of multifunctional components made of carbon concrete
Frédéric Lorec
University Professor Responsible:
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. Jens Otto
University Supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. Friedjörg Vollmer and Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Jahn
Editing Period:
20.04.2023 until 24.08.2023
In this study, we analyse the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of using a floor heating system on a runway based on carbon concrete. To this end, we take stock of the different physico-chemical properties of carbon concrete and other conventional concretes available on the market and identify the potential benefits they can offer. We also assess the technological barriers and installation challenges that this system could encounter. We then conduct a detailed financial analysis by first estimating the initial cost of installing a floor heating system, including material, labour and maintenance costs, compared to winter maintenance at Charles de Gaulle Airport. Then, using the advanced thermal simulation tool COMSOL-Multiphy-sics, we will compare the operating costs and energy savings of a floor slab equipped with a floor heating system, taking into account seasonal data (solar radiation, wind speed, temperature...). We will impose a temperature on the surface of the heating system that is 1 and 2 degrees Celsius higher to prevent the appearance of snow during the winter periods. Finally, we will add other important parameters to the study, such as the longer service life of the system (at least 30 years). The aim of this comprehensive study is to provide a comprehensive assessment of the introduction of underfloor heating, taking into account all associated costs, benefits, challenges and opportunities, to determine whether it is a viable and attractive option for different types of users and built environments in the short and long term.