Numrich, Sebastian
Diploma Thesis:
HMI design for an assistance system on cronstuction sites
Sebastian Numrich
University Professor Responsible:
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. Jens Otto
University Supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. Janik Mischke
Editing Period:
21.04.2023 until 25.08.2023
The aim of this paper is to develop a practical concept for communication between workers and machines on construction sites in terms of occupational safety. The concept is based on the SafeCon3D research project.
Different transmission channels are explained, analysed according to the boundary conditions on track construction sites and evaluated according to the implementation in practice. The basis is a BIM data model that contains all building and construction site equipment data. The positions of machines and workers are recorded by sensors and sent to the model. Virtual protection zones can be used to detect possible collisions in advance, so that the system can warn the workers inside and outside the machines as a reaction. The optimal HMI solution is a combination of fixed visual and auditory interfaces in the machines in the form of tablets and a mobile interface for each person on the construction site using smartwatches.
It should also be examined how such a system can be integrated into already existing software structures of companies in the future.