Schmidt, Stefanie
Diploma Thesis:
Effects of the abolition of the KfW-55-funding under economic, social and sustainable aspects for project developers
Stefanie Schmidt
University Professor Responsible:
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. Jens Otto
University Supervisor: Dr.-Ing. Jan Kortmann
Editing Period:
21.04.2022 until 12.01.2023
This paper examines the possible effects for project-developing companies of the discontinuation of the KfW 55 subsidy from a business, social and sustainability perspective. As one of the largest emitters of CO2, the entire construction industry is facing major challenges when it comes to achieving the climate protection targets by 2045. The resulting increasing demands on energy efficiency, both in the existing building stock and in new construction, are usually associated with additional costs. In this thesis, the additional costs for the construction of a multi-family house are calculated, differentiating between different efficiency standards. Subsequently, the profitability is considered in relation to a defined group of buyers as a target group and trends for future project developments are derived. Two scenarios are considered for this purpose. One energy scenario considers the adjustment of the requirements to the minimum standard according to the GEG, which still corresponded to an Efficiency House 75 at the time of writing. The comparative scenario considers a high energy quality in the direction of an Efficiency House 40 Plus. In addition to the additional costs, the results of the study include a shift in the target group in the case of a high energy standard and, furthermore, a loss of living space, which can lead to reduced revenues.