Arduino, Luna
Diploma Thesis:
Possibilities of using transmission networks on construction sites
Luna Arduino
University Professor Responsible:
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. Jens Otto
University Supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. Janik Mischke
Editing Period:
25.07.2023 until 12.12.2023
The aim of this diploma thesis was to evaluate the available data transmission networks for meaningful use on construction sites, as the digital transformation in this area continues to progress. To this end, comprehensive research was carried out into the WLAN, 4G, 5G and UWB transmission technologies. These networks were then analysed and evaluated in terms of their application potential on construction sites, taking into account the obstacles and special requirements of this environment. Differentiated usage scenarios were researched in order to collect data that would enable a better categorisation of the use of data transmission networks. The effects of structural boundary conditions, such as construction-related interference and environmental influences, on the data transmission rate were analysed in detail. As a result, a guideline was created that contains an integrated checklist for clients and contractors. This guide provides a basis for the effective implementation of data transmission networks on construction sites. In addition, the potential use of 6G technology on construction sites was considered in depth, broadening the perspective for the future of connectivity in construction.