Reiter, Konrad
Diploma Thesis:
Investigations into noise emissions on inner-city civil engineering construction sites
Konrad Reiter
University Professor Responsible:
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. Jens Otto
University Supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. Veit Klopfer
Editing Period:
30.04.2024 until 01.10.2024
In this thesis, the noise emissions of a selected inner-city civil engineering construction site are analysed and evaluated, and options for reducing them are identified and discussed. At the beginning of the work, the physical principles and the relationship between noise and people are collected and analysed. Various sources of emissions on civil engineering construction sites and the immissions for those affected on and off the construction site are then analysed. After a brief presentation of the civil engineering site, the measurements taken are analysed. Once the rating levels have been calculated, they are compared with the guideline value of the AVV Construction Noise and the necessary distances between the noise source and the place of immission, from which the construction noise no longer exceeds the guideline value, are calculated. The construction site noise of the sewer construction is also compared with the traffic noise of the road. As the traffic noise could not be measured, it is calculated from a traffic count. Measures to reduce noise emissions are then identified and the cost-benefit ratio discussed. Finally, three theses are formulated and analysed.