Studying at the institute
Every year around one third of all students of the faculty of civil engineering are fascinated of the managing and controlling in construction and chose the Institute for Construction Management. Themes like: impressive construction equipment, innovative construction processes, complex schedules, strategies for contract negotiations, contract design and claim management, organization and personnel planning, digitalization in planning and construction, the cost impact of building design and also the know-how, how to be able to implement complex construction projects contractually and cost-effectively with the help of state-of-the-art software support are among our interesting educational contents. If, after completing your studies, you also want to participate in the planning, implementation or operation of structural facilities in the national and international environment, have fun with the coordination of large project teams and complex processes, then the institute is the right choice for you.

Studying at the institute
After completing your education in the fields of Construction Management or Building Energy Management, you will have a very wide and highly interesting field of activity as a representative of clients, public authorities, construction departments of industrial companies, project developers, project managers, facility management, construction companies and the construction supply industry as well as construction-related research institutions.
Besides the lectures in undergraduate and graduate studies, the Institute for Construction Management offers a multitude of lectures in the described two areas of specialization. In addition to a practice-oriented education, special attention is paid on basic and specialist knowledge in the areas of construction management, construction process engineering, construction law, project development and real estate management. Findings from current projects are taken into account as well as results of different research projects. In addition to the two professorships, experienced lecturers and employees complete the offer of courses. All courses are provided in direct and distance learning and supported by extensive teaching materials.
Especially in the sector of construction management, we offer a wide range of possibilities in the fields of construction management as well as other disciplines like Structural Engineering, Hydraulic Engineering and Environment, Urban Construction and Transport and Computational Engineering.
For more information on construction management follow this link: Specialization Construction Management
For more information on building energy management follow this link: Specialization Building Energy Management