In the following overview a selection of our publications is compiled:
129 Entries
Holzfachwerke mit Verbindungsknoten aus Beton - Rechnerische Untersuchungen und Bemessungskonzept , 2013, In: Bautechnik. 90, 7, p. 433-440, 8 p.Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Holzfachwerke mit Verbindungsknoten aus Beton - Teil 1: Konzept und experimentelle Untersuchungen , 2013, In: Bautechnik. 90, 1, p. 1-8, 8 p.Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Evaluation of Concrete Cracking due to Restrained Thermal Loading and Shrinkage , 2012, In: ACI structural journal. 109, 1, p. 41-52, 12 p.Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Influence of experimental setups on the apparent uniaxial tensile load-bearing capacity of Textile Reinforced Concrete specimens , 2012, In: Materials and structures. 45, 3, p. 433-446Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Structural, economic and environmental performance of fiber reinforced wood profiles vs. solutions made of steel and concrete , 2012, Life-Cycle and Sustainability of Civil Infrastructure Systems - Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering, IALCCE 2012. p. 483-490, 8 p.Research output: Contribution to book/conference proceedings/anthology/report > Conference contribution
A model for Textile Reinforced Concrete under imposed uniaxial deformations , 2011, 19th International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics. Borkowski, A., Lewiński, T. & Dzierżanowski, G. (eds.). Warsaw: Warsaw University of Technology, p. 207-208, 2 p., 133Research output: Contribution to book/conference proceedings/anthology/report > Conference contribution
Hochleistungsholztragwerke - HHT- Entwicklung von hochbelastbaren Verbundbauweisen im Holzbau mit faserverstärkten Kunststoffen, technischen Textilien und Formpressholz: BMBF-Vorhaben 0330722A-C ; Abschlussbericht , 2011, 557 p.Research output: Preprint/documentation/report > Project report (Final and progress reports)
Numerical investigations on the uniaxial tensile behaviour of Textile Reinforced Concrete , 2011Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Types of Thesis > Doctoral thesis
A model for the uniaxial tensile behaviour of textile reinforced concrete (TRC) covering effects at the micro and meso scales , 2010, Fracture and Damage of Advanced Fibre-reinforced Cement-based Materials. Mechtcherine, V. & Kaliske, M. (eds.). Freiburg: Aedificatio Publishers, p. 213-221, 9 p.Research output: Contribution to book/conference proceedings/anthology/report > Conference contribution
A model for the uniaxial tensile behaviour of textile reinforced concrete (TRC) covering effects at the micro and meso scales , 2010, ECF 18: European Conference on Fracture - Fracture of Materials and Structures from Micro to Macro Scale: Dresden, Germany, Aug 29 – Sep 03, 2010. Klingbeil, D., Vormwald, M. & Eulitz, K. (eds.). Berlin: Deutscher Verband für Materialforschung und -prüfung e.V., p. 91, 1 p.Research output: Contribution to book/conference proceedings/anthology/report > Conference contribution