Dresden Steel Construction Conference 2019 Steel and Composite Construction - News from Research, Standardisation and Practice
On 28 March, the 13th Dresden Steel Construction Conference took place in the Gerhart Potthoff Building of the Technical University of Dresden. Under the heading "Steel and composite construction - news from research, standardisation and practice", the almost 200 participants were offered a broad and diverse programme of lectures. The main topics were high-strength steels, riveted constructions, fatigue strength, construction with sandwich elements and design for fire. In addition, the adidas ARENA project in Herzogenaurach was presented, which was awarded the German Engineering Prize for Steel Construction at the BAU 2019 trade fair in Munich. The event was organised by the Institute for Steel and Timber Construction at the Technical University of Dresden and the Bauakademie Sachsen. The conference was supported by bauforumstahl, FOSTA, the Saxony Chamber of Engineers and the Saxony Chamber of Architects, the Association of Consulting Engineers (VBI), the publishing house Ernst & Sohn and the Berlin Chamber of Construction.
A comprehensive report of the conference can be found on the German language version of this page.