Research activities
At the Chair of Hydraulic Engineering, numerous research projects have been and are being carried out in the following thematic fields, among others:
- operational equipment at reservoirs
- alculation and measurement of transient one- and multiphase flow in pipes
- stability investigation for overflow dams
- flood-safety of dams
- shear stress distribution in open, bent channals
- design of natural water courses
- asphaltic concrete layers
- cover layer at hydraulic structures
- hydromechanic aspects of mixing and flocculation in water treatment
- hydraulics of treatment plants
- modelling of turbulent flow
- flood control in inland and coast at waters
- bank erosion due to wave attack
- wind waves affecting structures
- impact of ship propeller jet on the river bed, backwash
- sealings in hydraulic structures
- calibrating of flow and velocity measure
- physical and numerical models referring to the above problems
- expert reports in the field of hydromechanics and hydraulic engineering
In the Hubert-Engels-Laboratory, which was founded in 1898 as first permanent hydraulic laboratory possible, to carry out hydraulic experiments for various tasks in the field of hydraulic engineering. Among them pressure-, velocity-, turbulence- and flow-measurements, in models of hydraulic structures, coastal and port structures water treatment or fluid flow through industrial plants.