University of Stuttgart - Institute for Road and Transport Science
director: Prof. Wolfram Ressel
researcher: Barbara Schuck, Tim Teutsch
support: Stefan Alber
Research Area
Subproject 3 focuses on the functional properties of road surfaces and their model-based description. Increasing road safety is a major motivation.
One major goal is the development of a 3D coupled drainage model based on the ideas of a two-dimensional macroscopic modeling by numerical computation of the depth-averaged shallow water equations considering water film thickness and flow velocity to describe the surface runoff [1]. So far also, with regard to the special properties of porous asphalt, a microscopic approach on modelling infiltration was made [2]. For the intended coupled model it is decisive to focus on the hydromechanical interface between free and porous flow on the road surface and into the layers.
Besides drainage, friction as another functional property is analyzed in more detail. An analytical hysteresis friction model has been already developed [3]. It describes the skid resistance on dry surfaces based on measured or virtual generated microtextures. By comparing the model with the friction models of the other subprojects, a specification of the physical correlations and influencing factors are possible. The development of the three-dimensional drainage model enables a detailed consideration of wet friction in the future.
- development of a 3D coupled model to describe the drainage on the road surface as well as into the layers, simulation of the water retention capacity, deeper knowledge to prevent hydroplaning as well as damage due to water infiltration
- comparative modeling of different aspects and factors influencing the skid resistance within the research group
- artificial generation of structures to describe the internal structure of asphalt
- Behnke, R.; Kaliske, M., Schuck, B; Stein, M.; Alber, S.; Ressel, W.; Wellner, F.; Leischner, S.; Canon Falla, G.; Eckstein, L.: From the material behaviour to the thermo-mechanical long-term response of asphalt pavements and the alteration of surface drainage due to rutting: a sensitivity study. International Journal of Pavement Engineering 24 (2023) 2247132, doi: 10.1080/10298436.2023.2247132
- Teutsch, T.; Gönninger, L.; Ruf, M.; Steeb, H.; Ressel, W.: Microstructural Characterisation and Analysis of Coarse Aggregates in Asphalt Drill Cores. Road Materials and Pavement Design 24 (2023) 2714-2736, doi: 10.1080/14680629.2022.2164333
- Johansson, B.; Alber, S.; Stein, M.; Ressel, W.: Einfluss von straßenseitigen Parametern auf das Entwässerungsverhalten von Fahrbahnoberflächen. In: 3. Kolloquium „Straßenbau in der Praxis“, Tagungshandbuch 2023, Technische Akademie Esslingen, 2023, 281-286, ISBN: 978-3-8169-3555-1
- Alber, S.; RESSEL, W.; Schuck, B.: Explaining drainage of porous asphalt with hydro-logical modelling. International Journal of Pavement Engineering 23 (2022) 1561-1571, doi: 10.1080/10298436.2020.1811278
- Teutsch, T.; Ressel, W.; Schuck, B.; Alber, S.: Analyse und Simulation der funktionalen Eigenschaften von Straßendeckschichten. In: 7. Dresdner Asphalttage, Dresden, 2022
- Kaliske, M.; Oeser, M.; Eckstein, L.; Leischner, S.; Ressel, W.; Wellner, F.: Coupled System Pavement – Tire – Vehicle: A Holistic Computational Approach. In: Wriggers, P.; Eberhard, P. (Hrsg.): Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics, Vol. 96, Springer, Cham, 2021
- Schuck, B.; Teutsch, T.; Alber, S.; Ressel, W.; Steeb, H.; Ruf, M.: Study of air void topology of asphalt with focus on air void constrictions – a review and research approach. Road Materials and Pavement Design 22 (sup1: EATA 2021) (2021) S425-S443, doi: 10.1080/14680629.2021.1907215; doi: 10.1080/14680629.2021.1907215
- Ruf, M.; Teutsch, T.; Alber, S.; Steeb, H.;Ressel, W.: micro-XRCT data sets of a stone mastic asphalt drill core before and after a uniaxial compression test (sample 2): sample 2-3, DaRUS; doi: 10.18419/DARUS-1834, 2021
- Ruf, M.; Teutsch, T.; Alber, S.; Steeb, H.;Ressel, W.: micro-XRCT data sets of a stone mastic asphalt drill core before and after a uniaxial compression test (sample 2): sample 2-2, DaRUS; doi: 10.18419/DARUS-1833, 2021
- Ruf, M.; Teutsch, T.; Alber, S.; Steeb, H.;Ressel, W.: micro-XRCT data sets of a stone mastic asphalt drill core before and after a uniaxial compression test (sample 2): sample 2-1, DaRUS; doi: 10.18419/DARUS-1641, 2021
- Alber, S.; Schuck, B.; Ressel, W.; Behnke, R.; Canon Falla, G.; Kaliske, M.; Leischner, S.; Wellner, F.: Modeling of surface drainage during the service life of asphalt pavements showing long-term rutting: A modular hydro-mechanical approach. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering (2020); doi: 10.1155/2020/8793652, published online 12 Aug 2020
- Friederichs, J.; Wegener, D.; Eckstein, L.; Hartung, F.; Kaliske, M.; Götz, T.; Ressel, W.: Using a new 3D-print-method to investigate rubber friction laws on different scales. Tire Science and Technology 48(4) (2020) 250-286; doi: 10.2346/tire.20.190218
- Kienle, R.; Ressel, W.; Götz, T.; Weise, M.: The influence of road surface texture on the skid resistance under wet conditions. Journal of Engineering Tribology, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part J (Proc IMechE Part J: J Engineering Tribology) 234(3) (2020) 313-319, published online 06 Feb 2018; doi: 10.1177/1350650117753995
- Alber, S.; Schuck, B.; Ressel, W.: Importance of pavement drainage and different approaches of modelling, in: Chen, X.; Yang, J; Oeser, M.; Wang, H.: Functional Pavements: Proceedings of the 6th Chinese–European Workshop on Functional Pavement Design (CEW 2020), Nanjing, China, 18-21 October 2020 (1st ed.). CRC Press, 403-406; doi: 10.1201/9781003156222, 2020
- Alber, S.; Schuck, B.; Ressel, W.; Behnke, R.; Canon Falla, G.; Kaliske, M.; Leischner, S.; Wellner, F.: Modeling of surface drainage during the service life of asphalt pavements showing long-term rutting: A modular hydro-mechanical approach. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 2020 (2020) 8793652, doi: 10.1155/2020/8793652
- Ressel, W.; Wolff, A.; Alber, S.; Rucker, I.: Modelling and simulation of pavement drainage. International Journal of Pavement Engineering 20(7) (2019) 801-810; doi: 10.1080/10298436.2017.1347437
- Alber, S.; Ressel, W.; Liu, P.; Lu, G.; Wang, D.; Oeser, M.: Analyzing the effects of clogging of PA internal structure with artificial soiling experiments. International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology 8 (2019) 383-393, doi: 10.1016/j.ijtst.2019.06.001
- Lippold, C.; Vetters, A.; Ressel, W.; Alber, S.: Vermeidung von abflussschwachen Zonen in Verwindungsbereichen – Vergleich und Bewertung von baulichen Lösungen, Bericht zum Forschungsprojekt FE 02.0321/2010/FGB, Berichte der Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen V 319, ISBN: 978-3-95606-463-0, Fachverlag NW in der Carl Ed. Schünemann KG, 2019
- Alber, S.; Ressel, W.: Entwässerung und Schallabsorption als funktionale Eigenschaften (nicht nur) von offenporigen Asphalten. In: 1. Kolloquium „Straßenbau in der Praxis“, Tagungshandbuch, 287-296, ISBN: 978-3-943563-06-1, 2019
- Alber, S.; Schuck, B.; Ressel, W.: Bedeutung der Fahrbahnentwässerung und verschiedene Ansätze der Modellierung, In: 6. Dresdner Asphalttage, Tagungsband, 57-70, Dresden, 2019
- Ressel, W.; Wolff, A.; Alber, S.; Rucker, I.: Modelling and simulation of pavement drainage. International Journal of Pavement Engineering 20 (2019) 801-810, : 10.1080/10298436.2017.1347437
- Alber, S.: Ressel, W.; Liu, P.; Hu, J.; Wang, D.; Oeser, M.; Uribe, D.; Steeb, H.: Investigation of microstructure characteristics of porous asphalt with relevance to acoustic pavement performance, International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology 7(3) (2018) 199-207; doi: 10.1016/j.ijtst.2018.06.001
- Alber, S.; Ressel, W.; Liu, P.; Wang, D.; Oeser, M.: Influence of Soiling Phenomena on Air-Void Microstructure and Acoustic Performance of Porous Asphalt Pavement. Construction and Building Materials 158 (2018) 938-948; doi: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2017.10.069
- Kienle, R.; Ressel, W.; Götz, T.; Weise, M.: The influence of road surface texture on the skid resistance under wet conditions. Journal of Engineering Tribology, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part J (Proc IMechE Part J: J Engineering Tribology) (2018); doi: 10.1177/1350650117753995
- Hartung, F.; Kienle, R.; Götz, T.; Winkler, T.; Ressel, W.; Eckstein, L.; Kaliske, M.: Numerical determination of hysteresis friction on different length scales and comparison to experiments, Tribology International 127 (2018) 165-176; doi: 10.1016/j.triboint.2018.05.018
- Liu, P.; Hu, J.; Wang, D.; Oeser, M.; Alber, S.; Ressel, W.; Canon Falla, G.: Modelling and Evaluation of aggregate morphology on asphalt compression behavior. Construction and Building Materials 133 (2017) 196-208
- Ressel, W.; Rucker, I.; Alber, S.: Numerische Modellierung der Entwässerung auf der Fahrbahnoberfläche und der Infiltration in die Fahrbahndeckschicht. In: 5. Dresdner Asphalttage, Tagungsband, 73-82, Dresden, 2017
- Ressel, W.; Rucker, I.: A numerical drainage model to simulate infiltration into porous pavements for higher road safety. In: Bargende, M.; Reuss, H.-C.; Wiedemann, J. (Hrsg.): 17. Internationales Stuttgarter Symposium Automobil- und Motorentechnik, 455-465, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-658-16988-6, Springer Vieweg, 2017
- Kaliske, M.; Oeser, M.; Ressel, W.; Wellner, F.; Eckstein, L.: Advanced Characterization and Modelling of Pavement Surface Texture and Skid Resistance: A Comprehensive Approach Considering Chassis-, Tire- and Pavement Dynamics. In: ISAP Symposium 2017, Washington D.C., 2017
- Ressel, W.; Wolff, A.; Alber, S.; Rucker, I.: Modellierung und Simulation des Wasserabflusses von Fahrbahnoberflächen. Straße und Autobahn 67 (2016) 525-532
- Kienle, R.; Ressel, W.; Weise, M.: The influence of road surface texture on the skid resistance under wet conditions. In: The 17th Nordic Symposium on Tribology – NORDTRIB 2016, Hämeenlinna, 2016
- Rucker, I., Ressel, W.: Road design and safety – Oberflächenentwässerung der Fahrbahn und Entwässerung in die Schichten in einem gekoppelten numerischen Modell. In: 15. Internationale VDI-Tagung Reifen – Fahrwerk – Fahrbahn, VDI-Berichte 2241, 243-257, VDI Verlag, Düsseldorf, 2015
- Kienle, R.; Ressel, W.: Einfluss der Mikrotextur von Straßenoberflächen auf die Nassgriffigkeit. In: 4. Dresdner Asphalttage, Tagungsband, 95-104, Dresden, 2015
- Weise, M.: Einflüsse der mikroskaligen Oberflächengeometrie von Asphaltdeckschichten auf das Tribosystem Reifen-Fahrbahn, Veröffentlichungen aus dem Institut für Straßen- und Verkehrswesen, Heft 53, Dissertationsschrift, Universität Stuttgart, 2015.
- Ressel, W., Rucker I.: A numerical approach on simulating acoustical and geometrical modifications due to the infiltration of dirt particles into a porous road surface. In: 6th International Conference on Porous Media and Annual Meeting of the International Society for Porous Media (InterPore), Milwaukee, 2014
- Arbter, B.: Numerische Bestimmung der akustischen Eigenschaften offenporiger Fahrbahnbeläge auf Basis ihrer rekonstruierten Geometrie. Veröffentlichungen aus dem Institut für Straßen- und Verkehrswesen 48 (2014), Dissertationsschrift, Universität Stuttgart
- Ressel, W.; Alber, S.: Simulation der Entwässerung von Straßenoberflächen - Auswirkungen der Geometrie und der Textur, Aachener Fahrbahnoberflächensymposium, 16. Mai 2013, Aachener Mitteilungen Straßenwesen, Erd- und Tunnelbau 60 (2013)
- Ressel, W.; Alber, S.; Rucker, I.: Modellierung von Verschmutzungsprozessen in offenporigen Asphalten – Auswirkungen auf die lärmmindernden Eigenschaften. In: 3. Dresdner Asphalttage, Tagungsband, 69-79, Dresden, 2013
- Wolff, Anne: Simulation of pavement surface runoff using the depth-averaged shallow water equations. Veröffentlichungen aus dem Institut für Straßen- und Verkehrswesen 45 (2013), Dissertationsschrift, Universität Stuttgart
- Kaliske, M., Wollny, I., Oeser, M., Ressel, W., Alber, S., Wellner, F., Werkmeister, S., Eckstein, L., Wegener, D.: Umfassende Analyse des gekoppelten Systems Straße-Reifen-Fahrzeug zur Entwicklung dauerhafter Straßenbefestigungen. In: 3. Dresdner Asphalttage, Tagungsband, 47-57, Dresden, 2013