M.Sc. Marit Hertlein
Position: PhD Student
Tel.: +49 (0) 351 - 463 31366
Visiting Address: Cotta-Bau, 1. OG, Zi. 1.13, Pienner Str. 7, 01737 Tharandt Map of Cotta Bau, Tharandt
Research Interests:
- Functional biodiversity
- Ecological modelling and statistics
- Nature and Wildlife Conservation
- Impacts of canopy openness and forest management intensity on decomposition processes and decomposer communities; within Biodiversty Exploratories
- Since 2023: PhD student at Chair of Forest Zoology
- 2022: Teaching Assistant at Wildlife Ecology and Conservation Group, Wageningen University, NL (parttime)
- 2022: National coordinator Future For Nature Academy, NL (parttime)
- 2018–2022: MSc Forest and Nature Conservation, specialised in Ecology and ecological Modelling and Statistics, Wageningen University, NL
- 2014–2018: BSc Environmental Sciences, specialised in System Analysis, Wageningen University, NL