Institute of Plant and Wood Chemistry
The institute of plant and wood chemistry emerged from the forest school in Tharandt founded by Heinrich Cotta in 1811. Hence, there is a history of more than 200 years. In 1929 the Royal Saxon Academy of Forestry was integrated in the Technical University of Dresden. Today the institute is a part of the department of forest sciences within the faculty of environmental sciences.
Investigations on special soil components, the chemical composition of plants and their changes depending on seasons and part of plant, the effect of environmental impacts like heavy metals or flue gasses on the growing of local plants, fertilizing with different substrates, wood protection as well as the possibilities of material utilization were important topics of training and research. The latter starts with production of charcoal. Over the year’s processes for the extraction of planed-based tanning agents and terpenes were developed and new characterisation methods for these substances were used. Since the 1920s investigation in wood pulping and additives for paper were carried out. These are actual topics up to now. In the 1960s research of extracting special products at pulp production like lignin or extractives became more intense. Chemistry of cellulose an its derivatives is a main topic since 1980s.