Elizabeth Monges Zalazar
Doctoral Candidate (Paraguay)
NameElizabeth Monges Zalazar M.Sc.
Doktorandin (Paraguay)
PhD-thesis: Timber plantation in Paraguay: comparative assessment of influencing factors on tree growing initiatives and further contribution to livelihood strategies or rural households in Eastern Paraguay
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Pretzsch
- Technische Universität Dresden (Oct. 2010 - present): doctoral candidate
- Technische Universität Dresden: M. Sc. in Tropical Forestry and Management
- National Asuncion University, Paraguay: B. Sc. in Forest Engineering
“Timber plantations in Paraguay”: Proposal for a dissertation at TUD
“Global timber investments returns”: North Carolina University, USA – partner universities
“Socioeconomic aspects of biodiversity management”: Teaching module on biodiversity management in Latin American universities: Bolivia, Germany, Paraguay and Perú. TUD/DAAD
“Forest Management: socioeconomic aspects of tree growing in the Eastern Region of Paraguay”: Research Fellowship. Sustainable Natural Resource Management Project (PMRN-KFW/GIZ), Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock – UNA, Paraguay.
Economic analysis of wood and non wood forest products: Diagnosis of fuelwood consumption in rural areas. UNA, Paraguay.
- Monges, Elizabeth; Szulecka, Julia; Pretzsch, Jürgen (2013): From deforestation to reforestation: Systematic assessment of smallholder tree planting initiatives in Eastern Paraguay. Poster session presented at: “Agricultural development within the rural-urban continuum” Tropentag 2013. Stuttgart-Hohenheim, 17.09.2013.
- Monges, Elizabeth; Szulecka, Julia; Pretzsch, Jürgen (2012): Smallholder tree plantations in Paraguay: Comparative assessment of influencing factors and contribution to income generation. Poster session presented at: “Resilience of agricultural systems against crises” Tropentag 2012. Göttingen, 19.09.2012.
- McGinley, Kathleen; Alvarado, Raquel; Cubbage, Frederick; Diaz, Diana; Donoso, Pablo J.; Gonçalves Jacovine, Laércio Antônio; de Silva, Fabiano Luiz; MacIntyre, Charles; Monges, Elizabeth (2012). "Regulating the Sustainability of Forest Management in the Americas: Cross-Country Comparisons of Forest Legislation."Forests 3, no. 3: 467-505. http://www.mdpi.com/1999-4907/3/3/467.
- Enciso, M., Monges, E. (2006). Small scale forest management: evaluation of the effects of silvicultural treatments on degraded forest. In: Universidad Nacional de Asunción. 2006. Investigaciones y Estudios de la UNA. Volumen 1. 224p., San Lorenzo.
- Monges, E. (2003) Outcomes of three forestry extension projects in Paraguay. M Sc Thesis, Institute of International Forestry and Forest Products, Technische Universität Dresden.
- Grulke, Campos, Cardozo, Monges, Molas (2001). Project: Small scale forest management. CIF/UNA – ENAPRENA/TÖB/GTZ –Freiburg University. In: Ka’aguy: Revista Forestal del Paraguay, Ed. 2000, Año XIII, Nª1, p. 30 – 36.
- Research lecturer, Forestry School - Agrarian Sciences Faculty (FCA), National Asuncion University (UNA), Paraguay (On study leave). 2003 – present.
- Assistant Professor, Silviculture & Forest Management Dep., Forestry School – FCA – UNA, Py (On study leave). 2007 – present.