Dr. Sebastian Dittrich
Dr. Sebastian Dittrich
Scientific Assistant
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Visiting Adress:
Cotta-Bau, 1. Floor, Room 1.19 Pienner Str. 7
01737 Tharandt
My research focus lies in the analysis of phytodiversity, community dynamics and ecological restoration strategies. Especially, I am interested in
- Vegetation science with special focus on phytosociology
- Natural forest dynamics
- Ecology of cryptogams
- Restoration and management of sand ecosystems
- Development of new Wilderness areas
Visit me on Research Gate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sebastian_Dittrich2
- 2009-2014: PhD-study Biology, University of Göttingen – Degree obtained: Dr. rer. nat. Thesis: Influence of Forest age dynamics on ground vegetation and epiphytic diversity in montane spruce forests
- 2002-2008: Study of Biology (focus: botany, ecology), University of Osnabrück. Degree obtained: Diploma. Thesis: Vegetationskundliche Untersuchungen in den Restitutionsgebieten „Hammer Schleife“ und „Wester Schleife“ (Vegetation surveys of the restoration sites „Hammer Schleife“ and „Wester Schleife“)
Work experience
- 2015-dato: Scientific staff, TU Dresden, Forest Sciences, Professorship of Biodiversity and Nature Conservation
- 2014: Freelancer, Wette + Gödecke GbR, Göttingen (Landscape planning)
- 2013: Scientific assistant, University of Göttingen
- 2012-2013: Project on long-term change on forest bryophytes in Northern Germany. University of Göttingen, research cluster of excellence: „BIOCHANGE“
- 2009-2012: Scientific staff (scholarship), University of Göttingen
- 2007-2008: Scientific assistant– University of Osnabrück
Further activities (selection)
- 2015-dato: Editorial Staff: „Der Söltjer“ (local, annual journal)
- 2012-dato: Volunteer Preacher (“Lektor”) – Evangelical-lutheran Petri-Pauli parish, Bad Münder
- 2010-dato: Scientific advisory board, friends of ‚Süntel-Buchen‘ (Fagus sylvatica var. suentelensis), Bad Münder
- 2011: Preparation of 33th Evangelical Kirchentag, Dresden: Center on globalization and environment (volunteer project coordination group)