Willkommen in unserer Fachschaft
Wir freuen uns, dass ihr euch für einen Studiengang der Geowissenschaften entschieden habt.
Um euren Studienstart möglichst reibungslos zu gestalten, wollen wir euch unterstützen und haben einiges vorbereitet.
Our offers and information for the ESE
Every year, at the beginning of the winter semester, we - the FSR Geosciences - organize introductory events for newly enrolled students, the "Erstis".
With this first semester introduction , we want to ensure a successful start to your studies and make it easy and sociable for you to get to know each other within and, above all, between our degree programs. You should also get to know some of the staff and professors as well as us as contact persons and mediators. We will show you the most important places on campus and in the city of Dresden. You will learn more about your studies and we will introduce you to our work.
The ESE includes
- the welcome and introduction by the Department of Geosciences
- the introductory events in the first week (workshops, tours, social gatherings and parties)
- the ESE hike at the end of the first week
⬆ You can find our ESE offer in the blue line above. ⬆