Table of contents
- de-RSE e.V. - Gesellschaft für Forschungssoftware
- DINI/nestor
- GDI Sachsen e.V.
- German UPA
- ISO/AWI19157-3 Working Group
- Knowledge Exchange
- National Research Data Infrastructure
- Open Geospatial Consortium
- Council for Scientific Information Infrastructures
- Research Data Alliance
- Research Data Management Organiser (RDMO)
- SaxFDM
- Water Science Alliance e.V.
The mission of AGILE (Association of Geographic Information Laboratories for Europe) is: to promote academic teaching and research on Geographic Information Science by representing the interests of those involved in GI-teaching and research at the national and the European level, and the continuation and extension of existing networking activities.
NameProf. Dr. Lars Bernard
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Visiting Address:
Hülssebau, HÜL O161 Helmholtzstraße 10
01069 Dresden
Visiting Address:
Hülssebau, Raum O 163 Helmholtzstraße 10
01069 Dresden
de-RSE e.V. - Gesellschaft für Forschungssoftware
Software development is an elementary, indispensable component of research activity. The British Software Sustainability Institute (SSI) has coined the slogan "Better Software - Better Research". Computer scientists, academics and other software developers working in research have come together in the RSE community and have made it their task to make this problem clearly visible and to decisively improve the current situation. The German Society for Research Software de-RSE e.V. is a registered association and provides the basis for the exchange of people working on research software - the Research Software Engineers (RSEs) in Germany and works to improve the current use of research software and the recognition of software development for the research process. The central goal of de-RSE is to prepare science & research for the continuing increase in the influence of new information technologies and to master the challenges of the increasing digitisation of research and to make use of the resulting opportunities. This includes, among other things, ensuring the sustainability and verifiability of scientific software development as part of research processes, improving the perception of the role of software in research and anchoring software publications in the scientific value system.
Visiting Address:
Hülssebau, Raum O 163 Helmholtzstraße 10
01069 Dresden
Die 2014 gegründete gemeinsame AG Forschungsdaten von DINI e.V. und nestor hat zum Ziel, den disziplin- und institutionsübergreifenden Erfahrungsaustausch sowie die Koordination von Aktivitäten rund um die Themen Forschungsdaten und Forschungsdatenmanagement im deutschsprachigen Raum zu unterstützen. Dabei sollen die Erkenntnisse erfahrener Fachdisziplinen und Einrichtungen beim Forschungsdatenmanagement aufgenommen und verbreitet werden, um damit auch einen Beitrag zur Unterstützung der sogenannten Small Sciences oder kleinerer Infrastruktureinrichtungen zu leisten. Die AG kooperiert lokal, national und international sowie disziplinspezifisch und -übergreifend mit weiteren Initiativen, um das Forschungsdatenmanagement in Deutschland koordiniert voranzubringen.
The Chair of Geoinformatics is involved in:
Unter-AG Datenmanagementpläne
Dr.-Ing. Christin Henzen
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Visiting Address:
Hülssebau, HÜL O154 Helmholtzstraße 10
01069 Dresden
The Spatial Data Infrastructure Germany (SDI Germany) is a joint project of the Federal Government, the Länder and local authorities to make their spatial data available in a standardised and simple way via the Internet. The SDI Germany is integrated into the European Spatial Data Infrastructure created by the INSPIRE Directive.
Publicly provided geodata of the federal, state and local governments can be searched, found and used by interested users via the
NameProf. Dr. Lars Bernard
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Visiting Address:
Hülssebau, HÜL O161 Helmholtzstraße 10
01069 Dresden
Visiting Address:
Hülssebau, HÜl O155 Helmholtzstraße 10
01069 Dresden
GDI Sachsen e.V.
Der GDI Sachsen e.V. versteht sich als offene Plattform des Geoinformationswesens für Interessenten, Nutzer, Spezialisten, Entscheider aus Wirtschaft, Bildungseinrichtungen, Hochschulen, Wissenschaft, Kommunen, Politik, staatlichen Einrichtungen und Behörden, anderen Fachverbände in Sachsen und darüber hinaus. Jeder Vertreter der oben genannten Bereiche kann Mitglied des Vereins werden.
Unterstützung der Entwicklung einer Geodateninfrastruktur im Freistaat Sachsen
Der derzeitige Stand und öffentlich erkennbare Perspektiven erscheinen, ohne eine vielseitige gestaffelte und massive Einflussnahme auf beschleunigte Entwicklung in einzelnen Bereichen, noch unbefriedigend und unzureichend.
Deshalb haben sich Spezialisten verschiedener Fachgebiete in diesem Verein Sachsens interdisziplinär zusammengeschlossen. Sie haben sich so zur Realisierung eines wichtigen gemeinsamen Zieles zum Wohle des Landes zur Verfügung gestellt.
Visiting Address:
Hülssebau, HÜl O155 Helmholtzstraße 10
01069 Dresden
German UPA
Der Verband ist ein hochwertiges Netzwerk für und von Usability Experten. Er lebt von der ehrenamtlichen Mitarbeit seiner Mitglieder, die sich der Wissensvermittlung und Meinungsbildung rund um das Thema Usability und UX verpflichtet fühlen.
The Chair of Geoinformatics is involved in:
Mr Dr. rer. nat Auriol Degbelo
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Visiting Address:
Hülssebau Helmholtzstraße 10
01069 Dresden
Dr.-Ing. Christin Henzen
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Visiting Address:
Hülssebau, HÜL O154 Helmholtzstraße 10
01069 Dresden
ISO/AWI19157-3 Working Group
This International Standard specifies the process of establishing, maintaining and publishing register of data quality measures in compliance with ISO 19135-1:2015. It identifies and describes components and content structure of a register for data quality measures, and the registration and maintenance procedure. This International Standard also specifies the required machine-readable (XML, Geospatial-API) implementation of the register and the procedure of access and use of the register.
Dr.-Ing. Christin Henzen
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Visiting Address:
Hülssebau, HÜL O154 Helmholtzstraße 10
01069 Dresden
Knowledge Exchange
The Knowledge Exchange (KE) partners are six key national organisations within Europe tasked with developing infrastructure and services to enable the use of digital technologies to improve higher education and research: CSC in Finland, CNRS in France, DeiC in Denmark, DFG in Germany, Jisc in the UK and SURF in the Netherlands. These organisations share a vision that scholarship should be open and through Knowledge Exchange they are working together to support the development of digital infrastructures to enable open science.
Knowledge Exchange informs national and international policies and promote common approaches, to enable scholarship to cross national boundaries with the vision is to enable open science by supporting an information infrastructure on an international level.
The Open Science Expert Group consists of representatives from both KE partner organisations and strategic stakeholders from across the KE partner countries. The group shares knowledge, addresses emerging issues, and focuses on joint development within the area of Open Science. Daniel is one of German delegate (comissioned by DFG) in the OS expert group.
Visiting Address:
Hülssebau, Raum O 163 Helmholtzstraße 10
01069 Dresden
National Research Data Infrastructure
In the German National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI), valuable data from science and research are systematically accessed, networked and made usable in a sustainable and qualitative manner for the entire German science system.
The Chair of Geoinformatics is involved in:
Section Common Infrastructures
Section (Meta)data, Terminologies, Provenance
NameProf. Dr. Lars Bernard
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Visiting Address:
Hülssebau, HÜL O161 Helmholtzstraße 10
01069 Dresden
Mr Dr. rer. nat Auriol Degbelo
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Visiting Address:
Hülssebau Helmholtzstraße 10
01069 Dresden
Dr.-Ing. Christin Henzen
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Visiting Address:
Hülssebau, HÜL O154 Helmholtzstraße 10
01069 Dresden
Visiting Address:
Hülssebau, Raum O 163 Helmholtzstraße 10
01069 Dresden
Mr Dipl.-Hydrol. Jörg Seegert
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Visiting Address:
Hülssebau, O162 Helmholtzstraße 10
01069 Dresden
Open Geospatial Consortium
For more than 28 years, Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) has operated as a neutral forum where government, industry, nonprofits, and academia come together to engage in collective problem-solving around the critical issues of the day. As the global leader in location solutions and related data, OGC is the largest formal community of geospatial experts with a mission to make location information FAIR – Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable – for an inclusive and sustainable future.
The Chair of Geoinformatics is involved in:
Data Quality DWG (Co-Chair)
Dr.-Ing. Christin Henzen
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Visiting Address:
Hülssebau, HÜL O154 Helmholtzstraße 10
01069 Dresden
Council for Scientific Information Infrastructures
The Council monitors transitions in the German academic system at large and gives practical recommendations to academia and the government. Specifically, it
- provides foresight on the development of digital science;
- promotes coordination of existing activities;
- identifies potential synergies between the diverse actors and new fields of action;
- intends to stimulate cooperation within the academic system;
- monitors international policy developments.
NameProf. Dr. Lars Bernard
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Visiting Address:
Hülssebau, HÜL O161 Helmholtzstraße 10
01069 Dresden
Research Data Alliance
The Research Data Alliance (RDA) was launched as a community-driven initiative in 2013 by the European Commission, the United States Government's National Science Foundation and National Institute of Standards and Technology, and the Australian Government’s Department of Innovation with the goal of building the social and technical infrastructure to enable open sharing and re-use of data.
The Chair of Geoinformatics is involved in:
Discipline-specific Guidance for Data Management Plans WG
Dr.-Ing. Christin Henzen
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Visiting Address:
Hülssebau, HÜL O154 Helmholtzstraße 10
01069 Dresden
Research Data Management Organiser (RDMO)
Mit dem Research Data Management Organiser (RDMO) können Institutionen und Forschende das Forschungsdatenmanagement ihre Projekte strukturiert planen und durchführen. Es erlaubt das Erfassen aller relevanten Planungsinformationen in Datenmanagementplänen und die Verwaltung aller Datenmanagementaufgaben über den gesamten Datenlebenszyklus.
The Chair of Geoinformatics is involved in:
Content group (CG)
Dr.-Ing. Christin Henzen
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Visiting Address:
Hülssebau, HÜL O154 Helmholtzstraße 10
01069 Dresden
SaxFDM ist eine Initiative sächsischer Hochschulen und Forschungseinrichtungen zur Vernetzung, Kooperation und Koordination der Aktivitäten rund um das Forschungsdatenmanagement.
NameProf. Dr. Lars Bernard
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Visiting Address:
Hülssebau, HÜL O161 Helmholtzstraße 10
01069 Dresden
Water Science Alliance e.V.
Die Water Science Alliance ist eine Initiative zur Stärkung sowie besseren Positionierung und Sichtbarkeit der Wasser-forschung in Deutschland und internationalen Kontext, in deren Fokus die Synergiebildung zwischen den Kompetenz-trägern und die Förderung junger Wissenschaftler/innen stehen.
Mr Dipl.-Hydrol. Jörg Seegert
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Visiting Address:
Hülssebau, O162 Helmholtzstraße 10
01069 Dresden