Oct 11, 2023
3C project officially started
On 20th September the official kick-off meeting for the research project 3C (Copernicus Cross Compliance) took place in HÜL-W442, to which the Junior Professorship of Environmental Remote Sensing will contribute as one of two main partners. From the Saxon State Office for Environment, Agriculture and Geology (LfULG) – the second main partner in the project – Dr. Pierre Karrasch and Dr. Christoph Albrecht attended the meeting. After a short introduction round on both sides, the project goals were outlined and guidelines for a joint project management were defined. Then, some inital content-related questions were discussed and a roadmap for first steps of collaboration were laid out. In the course of this, several challenges were discovered but preliminary solution approaches were identified as well. During another coordination meeting on 10th October, various methodological approaches were discussed in a small group setting and working steps were prioritized. Now the scientific work can begin.
The aim of the 3C project is the development and the practical implementation of various approaches for the automatic monitoring of GAEC standards (Good agricultural and environmental conditions) defined in the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of the EU using remote sensing data, particularly those of Copernicus services (i.e. Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2). The Junior Professorship of Environmental Remote Sensing is primarily responsible for the selection, implementation and evaluation of suitable machine learning and deep learning methods for the detection of relevant landscape changes.
The 3C project is funded by the German Aerospace Center (DLR) on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV) and runs for 2 years. From the Junior Professorship of Environmental Remote Sensing, Christine Wessollek and Eric Kosczor will lead the work in the project. Lucas Kugler and Christopher Marrs will take on consulting roles.