High resolution measurement of soil erosion with TLS and UAV photogrammetry
Project title
Soil erosion in the marl landscapes of Andalusia - High resolution detection and modelling of long-term surface changes
German Research Foundation (DFG)
The aim of the project is to study surface changes in the fragile Tertiary and Keuper marl landscapes of Andalusia, Spain. These landscapes exhibit very high erosion rates – with long-term economic consequences. Short-term surface changes usually remain unnoticed and are thus underestimated in their impact. At representative morphological sites surface changes are to be assessed quantitatively combining geomorphological and photogrammetric methods. Terrestrial laser scanner data is integrated with image data captured from a UAV platform to ensure high measurement accuracy and precision, which allows for the detection of significant soil surface changes due to short-term events with sub-cm accuracy. The photogrammetric methods are complemented using isotropic tracer measurements of Beryllium-7. Rill and interrill erosion is assessed for sub-ha field plots.