3rd faculty-wide PhD student event

Visitors of PhD-Event in Tharandt 2025
The Faculty of Environmental Sciences at TU Dresden proudly hosted its 3rd annual PhD event on February 13, 2025, once again highlighting the diverse research within its departments. The event commenced with a warm welcome from the Dean at 09:00, followed by an insightful talk by Matthias Mauder on "Scientific Peer Review: Insight into the Academic Crucible", providing valuable perspectives on the peer-review process and its challenges. After that Benjamin Griebe from TUD’s press office provided insights into the use Social Media in academia and education in a very clear and engaging way, also highlighting the dos and don'ts.
A coffee break at 11:00 set the stage for the day's first central event, the 'Posterblitz'. PhD students seized the opportunity to present their research within a tight one-minute timeframe, offering a snapshot of their innovative work. Following a communal lunch break, Maren Weissig, member of the 10th doctoral council of TU Dresden, informed all participants about the tasks of and upcoming events organized by the council. Thereafter, we continued with the best 'Posterblitz' award ceremony. This year, the award was given to Katja Liedel (photo below) from the Chair of Forest Growth and Woody Biomass Production.
The afternoon sessions began at 14:00 with an interactive poster session and a dedicated Helpdesk, providing support and guidance on academic matters. The event culminated at 15:30 with the Poster Award ceremony, where Alexander Metelkin (photo below) from the Chair of Transport Processes in Hydrosystems was honored for his exemplary research display.
The organizers, building upon the foundations of the previous years’ success, welcomed approximately 40 participants, who engaged in fruitful exchanges and networking. Their satisfaction with the event's outcome was evident, and they extended their heartfelt thanks to all participants, emphasizing the role such gatherings play in enriching the academic journey of PhD students and fostering interdisciplinary connections.
With the continued support of the faculty and the dedication of its students, the event once again proved to be a cornerstone for academic exchange and collaboration, promising the continuation of this enriching tradition in the years to come.
Contacts of organizational team:
Prof. Dr. Marieke van der |
Prof. Dr. Matthias Mauder | Prof. Dr. Andreas Hartmann |
Chair of Forest Growth and Woody Biomass Production Tel.: 0351 463-31614 |
Institute of Hydrology and Meteorology Tel.: 0351 463-31340 |
Institute of Groundwater Management Tel.: 0351-463-42551 |