Feb 25, 2025
Excellent theses in the 2023/2024 academic year
Ms. Luisa Briest, a graduate of the Master's degree program in Hydrology, is being honored for her excellent Master's thesis. She wrote her thesis on"Integrativer Hochwasserschutz und Gewässerentwicklung am Beispiel des Mühlgrabens in Berthelsdorf (Neustadt in Sachsen)" at the Chair of Hydrology in collaboration with Stowasserplan GmbH & Co KG.
Mr. Peter Wagener, a graduate of the Master's degree program in Hydrology, was awarded for his excellent Master's thesis. He wrote his thesis on"How does the choice of calibration metric influence signature representation in conceptual hydrological models?" at the Chair of Hydrology.
The best theses of the Chair of Hydrology are honored as "excellent theses" after each completed academic year. The award consists of a certificate and a travel grant to a hydrological conference.