Niels Schütze

Prof. Dr. Niels Schütze
Professur für Hydrologie
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Professur für Hydrologie
Professur für Hydrologie
Neubau Chemische Institute, Raum 368, Anmeldung im Sekretariat Bergstr. 66
01069 Dresden
- prozessorientierte Modellierung und Simulation von Strömungsvorgängen (Oberflächenabfluß, Bodenwasserströmung) für Oberflächenbewässerungsverfahren und Tröpfchenbewässerung
- simulationsbasierte Optimierungsverfahren für die Bewirtschaftung komplexer Gewässersysteme
- Methoden zur inversen Parameterbestimmung von Prozeßmodellen in der Hydrologie
- Entwicklung und Anwendung von soft-computing Methoden (neuronale Netze, evolutionäre Algorithmen, ...) in der Hydrologie
- A. Gadédjisso-Tossou, T. Avellán, and N. Schütze. Potential of Deficit and Supplemental Irrigation under Climate Variability in Northern Togo, West Africa. Water, 10(12):1803, 2018. doi:10.3390/w10121803.
- S. J. Seidel, S. Werisch, N. Schütze, and H. Laber. Impact of irrigation on plant growth and development of white cabbage. Agricultural Water Management, 187:99–111, 2017. doi:10.1016/j.agwat.2017.03.011.
- R. Müller, A. Gurova, P. Röhm, P. Winkler, R. Schwarze, W. Dröge, and N. Schütze. Das Wasserhaushaltsportal Sachsen – Ein Webportal zur Recherche und Visualisierung vorab berechneter Ergebnisse und zur interaktiven Berechnung des Wasserhaushalts (The "Wasserhaushaltsportal Sachsen" – A web portal for research and visualisation of pre-computed results and interactive calculation of the water balance). Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung, 60(1):78–87, 2016. doi:10.5675/HyWa_2016,1_5.
- R. Müller and N. Schütze. Multi-objective optimization of multi-purpose multi-reservoir systems under high reliability constraints. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2016. doi:10.1007/s12665-016-6076-5.
- T. Roy, N. Schütze, J. Grundmann, M. Brettschneider, and A. Jain. Optimal groundwater management using state-space surrogate models: a case study for an arid coastal region. Journal of Hydroinformatics, 2016. doi:10.2166/hydro.2016.086.
- N. Schütze, P. Stange, U. Griessbach, P. Röhm, and M. Wagner. Integrierte Modellierung und Optimierung von Bewässerungssystemen im Feld- und Einzugsgebietmaßstab bei limitierten Wasserressourcen (Integrated modelling and optimisation of irrigation systems at the field and catchment scale with limited water resources). Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung, 60(1):7–21, 2016. doi:10.5675/HyWa_2016,1_1.
- S. J. Seidel, S. Rachmilevitch, N. Schütze, and N. Lazarovitch. Modelling the impact of drought and heat stress on common bean with two different photosynthesis model approaches. Environmental Modelling & Software, 2016. 10.1016/j.envsoft.2016.04.001.
- S. J. Seidel, S. Werisch, K. Barfus, M. Wagner, N. Schütze, and H. Laber. Field Evaluation of Irrigation Scheduling Strategies using a Mechanistic Crop Growth Model. Irrigation and Drainage, 2016. doi:10.1002/ird.1942.
- Y. Subagadis, N. Schütze, and J. Grundmann. A fuzzy-stochastic modeling approach for multiple criteria decision analysis of coupled groundwater-agricultural systems. Water Resources Management, 2016. doi:10.1007/s11269-016-1270-5.
- M. Wagner, S. J. Seidel, S. Werisch, K. Barfus, and N. Schütze. Integrierte Modellierung von Wasserdargebot und Wassernachfrage am Beispiel der Bewässerungslandwirtschaft in Sachsen (Integrated modelling of water supply and water demand using the example of irrigation farming in Saxony). Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung, 60(1):22–37, 2016. doi:10.5675/HyWa_2016,1_2.
- J. Grundmann and N. Schütze. Technisch-methodische Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze für die optimale Bewirtschaftung gekoppelter Grundwasser-Landwirtschaft-Hydrosysteme in ariden und semiariden Küstenregionen. Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung, 59(5):240–246, 2015. doi:10.5675/HyWa_2015,5_4.
- S. J. Seidel, N. Schütze, M. Fahle, J.-C. Mailhol, and P. Ruelle. Optimal Irrigation Scheduling, Irrigation Control and Drip Line Layout to Increase Water Productivity and Profit in Subsurface Drip-Irrigated Agriculture. Irrigation and Drainage, 64(4):501–518, 2015. doi:10.1002/ird.1926.
- M. Wagner, S. J. Seidel, and N. Schütze. Irrigation water demand of common bean on field and regional scale under varying climatic conditions. Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 2015. doi:10.1127/metz/2015/0698.
- S. Kloss, J. Grundmann, N. Schütze, S. Werisch, S. J. Seidel, J. Trümmer, and U. Schmidhalter. Investigation of optimal deficit irrigation strategies combining SVAT-modeling and experiments. Environmental Earth Sciences, 72(12):4901–4915, 2014. doi:10.1007/s12665-014-3463-7.
- S. Kloss, N. Schütze, and U. Schmidhalter. Evaluation of very high soil water tension threshold values in sensor-based deficit irrigation systems. Irrigation Drainage and Engineering, 2014. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)IR.1943-4774.0000722.
- J. Seegert, T. U. Berendonk, C. Bernhofer, F. Blumensaat, I. Dombrowsky, C. Fuehner, J. Grundmann, N. Hagemann, T. Kalbacher, F. D. Kopinke, R. Liedl, M. Leidel, C. Lorz, F. Makeschin, D. Markova, S. Niemann, G. Röstel, J. Schanze, N. Scheifhacken, N. Schütze, C. Siebert, C. Stefan, B. Strehlitz, G. Teutsch, C. Weigelt, H. Weiß, O. Kolditz, D. Borchardt, and P. Krebs. Integrated water resources management under different hydrological, climatic and socio-economic conditions: results and lessons learned from a transdisciplinary IWRM project IWAS. Environmental Earth Sciences, 72(12):4677–4687, 2014.
- Y. H. Subagadis, J. Grundmann, N. Schütze, and G. H. Schmitz. An integrated approach to conceptualise hydrological and socio–economic interaction for supporting management decisions of coupled groundwater-agricultural systems. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2014. doi:10.1007/s12665-014-3238-1.
- J. Grundmann, N. Schütze, and F. Lennartz. Sustainable management of a coupled groundwater-agriculture hydrosystem using multi-criteria simulation based optimisation. Water Science & Technology, 67(3):689–698, 2013.
- A. Gerner, N. Schütze, and G. H. Schmitz. Portrayal of fuzzy recharge areas for water balance modelling – a case study in northern Oman. Advances in Geosciences, 31:1–7, 2012. doi:10.5194/adgeo-31-1-2012.
- J. Grundmann, N. Schütze, G. H. Schmitz, and S. Al Shaqsi. Towards an integrated arid zone water management using simulation based optimisation. Environmental Earth Sciences, 65(5):1381–1394, 2012. doi:10.1007/s12665-011-1253-z.
- S. Kloss, R. Pushpalatha, K. Kamoyo, and N. Schütze. Evaluation of Crop Models for Simulating and Optimizing Deficit Irrigation Systems in Arid and Semi-arid Countries Under Climate Variability. Water Resources Management, 26:997–1014, March 2012. 10.1007/s11269-011-9906-y.
- N. Schütze, M. de Paly, and U. Shamir. Novel simulation-based algorithms for optimal open-loop and closed-loop scheduling of deficit irrigation systems. Journal of Hydroinformatics, 14(1):136–151, 2012. doi:10.2166/hydro.2011.073.
- N. Schütze, S. Kloss, F. Lennartz, A. Al Bakri, and G. H. Schmitz. Optimal planning and operation of irrigation systems under water resource constraints in Oman considering climatic uncertainty. Environmental Earth Sciences, 65(5, SI):1511–1521, MAR 2012. doi:10.1007/s12665-011-1135-4.
- J. C. Mailhol, P. Ruelle, S. Walser, N. Schütze, and C. Dejean. Analysis of AET and yield predictions under surface and buried drip irrigation systems using the Crop Model PILOTE and Hydrus-2D. Agricultural Water Management, 98(6):1033–1044, 2011. doi:10.1016/j.agwat.2011.01.014.
- N. Schütze, J. Grundmann, and G. H. Schmitz. Perspektiven für die integrierte Wasserbewirtschaftung durch den Einsatz simulationsbasierter Optimierungsmethoden am Beispiel landwirtschaftlich genutzter küstennaher arider Gebiete im Oman. Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung, 55(2):52–63, 2011.
- S. Walser, N. Schütze, M. Guderle, S. Liske, and U. Schmidhalter. Evaluation of the transferability of SVAT-models – results from field and greenhouse experiments. Irrigation and Drainage, 60(S1):59–70, 2011. doi:10.1002/ird.669.
- N. Schütze and G. H. Schmitz. OCCASION: New Planning Tool for Optimal Climate Change Adaption Strategies in Irrigation. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering - ASCE, 136(12):836–846, DEC 2010. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)IR.1943-4774.0000266.
- T. Wöhling, N. Schütze, B. Heinrich, J. Šimůnek, and G. F. Barkle. Three-dimensional modeling of multiple automated equilibrium tension lysimeters to measure vadose zone fluxes. Vadose Zone Journal, 8:1051–1063, 2009. doi:10.2136/vzj2009.0040.
- A. Philipp, G. H. Schmitz, T. Krauße, N. Schütze, and J. Cullmann. Flash Flood Forecasting Combining Meteorological Ensemble Forecasts and Uncertainty of Initial Hydrological Conditions. Australian Journal of Water Resources, 12(3):257–267, April 2008.
- T. Wöhling, R. Stenger, F. Wang, G. Barkle, N. Schütze, and G. H. Schmitz. Water Flow in the Vadose Zone and Groundwater. WISPAS: A newsletter about water in the soil-water-atmosphere system published by HortResearch (New Zealand), 100:4–6, 2008.
- G. H. Schmitz, T. Wöhling, M. de Paly, and N. Schütze. GAIN-P: A new strategy to increase furrow irrigation efficiency. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 32(1C):103–114, JUN 2007.
- N. Schütze, U. Petersohn, and G. H. Schmitz. Self-organizing maps with multiple input-output option for modeling the Richards equation and its inverse solution. Water Resources Research, 41(3):W03022, 2005. 10.1029/2004WR003630.
- T. Wöhling, N. Schütze, and G. H. Schmitz. Neue Strategien zur Steuerung der Wasseraufleitung bei der Bewässerung. Hydrobrief, (25), 2004.
- G. H. Schmitz, N. Schütze, and U. Petersohn. New strategy for optimizing water application under trickle irrigation. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering - ASCE, 128(5):287–297, SEP-OCT 2002.
- G. H. Schmitz, T. Wöhling, and N. Schütze. Neuronale Netze zur Steuerung des Wassertransportes in der Bewässerungslandwirtschaft. Dresdner Transferbrief, 10(2):33–35, 2002.
- N. Schütze, M. Müller, R. Schwarze, T. Wöhling, and J. Grundmann, editors. M3 – Messen, Modellieren, Managen in Hydrologie und Wasserressourcenbewirtschaftung, volume 39.18, Hennef (Germany), 2018. Fachgemeinschaft Hydrologische Wissenschaften.
- T. Roy, N. Schütze, J. Grundmann, and A. Jain. Water management in coastal aquifers by simulation-optimization. Lambert Academic Publishing, 2016. ISBN 978-3-659-91749-3.
- N. Schütze. Hydrologie, chapter Bewässerung. UTB, 2016. ISBN 978-3825245139.
- J. Grundmann, N. Schütze, and F. Lennartz. Sustainable management of a coupled groundwater-agriculture hydrosystem using multi-criteria simulation based optimisation, page 226. IWA Publishing, 2013.
- M. de Paly, N. Schütze, and A. Zell. Evolutionary Computation, chapter Determining Crop-Production Functions using Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms, pages 1870–1877. IEEE Series. 2010. ISBN 978-1-4244-6909-3.
- N. Schütze and G. H. Schmitz. Hydroinformatics in Hydrology, Hydrogeology and Water Resources, volume 331 of IAHS Redbook Series, chapter "A new stochastic framework based on evolutionary algorithms for evaluating potential yield and corresponding risks of optimal deficit irrigation strategies", pages 472–479. 2009. ISBN 978-1-907161-02-5.
- G. H. Schmitz, N. Schütze, and T. Wöhling. Irrigation control: towards a new solution of an old problem. Number 5 in IHP/HWRP-Reports. Deutsches Nationalkomitee des International Hydrological Programme of Unesco und des Hydrology and Water Resources Programme der WMO, Koblenz, Germany, 2007. ISSN 1614-1180.
- N. Schütze. Ausgezeichnete Informatikdissertationen 2005, volume D-6 of GI-Edition Lecture Notes in Informatics, chapter "Neue Methoden zur Steuerung der Wassergabe mit neuronalen Netzen in der Bewässerungslandwirtschaft", pages 171–180. Bonner Köllen Verlag, 2006. ISBN 3-88579-330-X.
- T. Petzoldt, P. Kielb, U. Petersohn, and N. Schütze. Informatik für den Umweltschutz, chapter "Prognose der Phytoplankton-Dynamik: Anwendung fallbasierter Methoden auf einen dynamischen ökologischen Prozeß", pages 259–267. Metropolis-Verlag, 1994. ISBN 3-89518-017-3.
- N. Schütze. Simulationsbasierte Optimierungsstrategien zur nachhaltigen Bewirtschaftung komplexer Hydrosysteme. Habilitationsschrift, TU Dresden (Fakultät für Umweltwissenschaften), 2013.
- N. Schütze. Neue Methoden zur Steuerung der Wassergabe mit neuronalen Netzen in der Bewässerungslandwirtschaft (New methods for irrigation control with neural networks). PhD thesis, Institute of Hydrology und Meteorology (TU Dresden), 2005. (pdf).
- N. Schütze. Entwurf und Entwicklung eines Systems zum fallbasierten Schließen für die Prognose von Algenmassenentwicklungen in Standgewässern. Master's thesis, Institute of Artificial Intelligence (TU Dresden), 1995.
A. Al Khatri, J. Grundmann, R. von der Weth, and N. Schütze. Using Bayesian Networks (BNs) for Mapping Stakeholders Behaviors in Integrated Water Resource Management with a Focus on Irrigated Agriculture in Al Batinah Region of Oman. In Proceedings of 13th Gulf Water Conference, 2019.
J. Grundmann, A. Al Khatri, and N. Schütze. Managing saltwater intrusion in coastal arid regions and its societal implications for agriculture. In 7th International Water Resources Management Conference of ICWRS, volume 373, pages 31–35, Bochum (Germany), May 2016. IAHS Press. doi:10.5194/piahs-373-31-2016.
F. Kerl, A. Philipp, C. Metzkes, T. Singer, M. Wagner, N. Schütze, and U. Müller. Kleinräumige Hochwasserfrühwarnung im Lichte operationeller Anforderungen: Chancen und Grenzen bezüglich Nutzeransprüchen, Antriebsdaten sowie hydrologischer Modellansätze. In Forum für Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung, volume 37 of Beiträge zum Tag der Hydrologie, Koblenz (Germany), March 2016. doi:10.14617/for.hydrol.wasbew.37.16.
R. Müller and N. Schütze. Towards an optimal integrated reservoir system management for the Awash River Basin, Ethiopia. In 7th International Water Resources Management Conference of ICWRS, Bochum (Germany), May 2016. IAHS. doi:10.5194/piahs-373-215-2016.
A. Philipp, F. Kerl, U. Büttner, C. Metzkes, T. Singer, M. Wagner, and N. Schütze. Small-scale (flash) flood early warning in the light of operational requirements: opportunities and limits with regard to user demands, driving data, and hydrologic modeling techniques. In 7th International Water Resources Management Conference of ICWRS, Bochum (Germany), May 2016. IAHS Press. doi:10.5194/piahs-373-201-2016.
N. Schütze and M. Wagner. Integrated management of water resources demand and supply in irrigated agriculture from plot to regional scale. In 7th International Water Resources Management Conference of ICWRS, Bochum (Germany), May 2016. IAHS Press. doi:10.5194/piahs-373-51-2016.
J. Grundmann and N. Schütze. Technisch-methodische Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze bei der integrierten Bewirtschaftung arider und semiarider Küstenregion. In Forum für Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung, volume 35 of Beiträge zum Tag der Hydrologie, Bonn (Germany), March 2015. doi:10.14617/for.hydrol.wasbew.35.15.
H. Al-Dhuhli, Schmitz, N. Schütze, and J. Grundmann. Rigorous irrigation experiments together with a novel simulation-based optimization tool for optimizing water productivity under saline conditions. In Proceedings 11th WSTA Gulf Water Conference, Muscat (Oman), October 2014.
A. Al Khatri, J. Grundmann, R. von der Weth, N. Schütze, and F. Lennartz. Analysis of Stakeholder's Characteristics for IWRM Implementation and its Application in the Batinah Region of Oman. In 11th Gulf water Conference, Muscat (Sultanate of Oman), 2014.
U. Grießbach, P. Stange, and N. Schütze. Economic-based estimation of irrigation water demand. In Sustainable Irrigation and Drainage V - Management, Technologies and Policies. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment Series, volume 185, 2014.
J. Grundmann, N. Schütze, and V. Heck. Optimal integrated management of groundwater resources and irrigated agriculture in arid coastal regions. In Evolving Water Resources Systems: Understanding, Predicting and Managing Water–Society Interactions, Proceedings of ICWRS2014, IAHS Publ. 364, 2014. doi:10.5194/piahs-364-216-2014.
S. Kloss, M. Werisch, and N. Schütze. Investigation of deficit irrigation strategies combining svat-modeling, optimization and experiments. In 22nd International Congress on Irrigation and Drainage, 14-20 September 2014, Gwangju Metropolitan City, Republic of Korea, 2014.
N. Schütze and T. Roy. Fast neural network surrogates for complex groundwater flow models. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Hydroinformatics, New York (USA), 2014.
Y. H. Subagadis, N. Schütze, and J. Grundmann. Multi-criteria multi-stakeholder decision analysis using fuzzy-stochastic approach for hydrosystem management. In Evolving water resources systems understanding, predicting and managing water-society interactions, volume 364, pages 464–469. IAHS Press, 2014. doi:10.5194/piahs-364-464-2014.
H. Al-Dhuhli, G. H. Schmitz, F. Lennartz, N. Schütze, J. Grundmann, S. Kloss, and M. Pistorius. Optimal irrigation scheduling for fodder crops under multiple resource constraints in an arid zone environment. In Proceedings of 6th ICWRER 2013, June 2013.
E. Al-Gharibi, G. H. Schmitz, F. Lennartz, N. Schütze, J. Grundmann, and S. Kloss. Evaluation of field and greenhouse experiments with tomatos using the Aquacrop model as a basis for improving water productivity. In Proceedings of 6th ICWRER 2013, June 2013.
R. Müller and N. Schütze. Improving the future performance and reliability of multi- reservoir systems by multi-objective optimization. In Considering Hydrological Change in Reservoir Planning and Management Proceedings of H09, IAHS-IAPSO-IASPEI Assembly, Gothenburg, Sweden, volume 362 of Red Book, pages 24–32, 2013.
Y. H. Subagadis, N. Schütze, and J. Grundmann. Object-Oriented Bayesian Networks for Holistic Understanding of Groundwater: An Application to Coastal Groundwater management. In In proceedings of The National and International Conference on Groundwater- NGWA Summit, 27th April - 2nd May, San Antonio, Texas ,USA, 2013.
J. Grundmann, N. Schütze, and F. Lennartz. Optimale integrierte Bewirtschaftung gekoppelter Grundwasser-Landwirtschaft Hydrosysteme. In M. Weiler, editor, Wasser ohne Grenzen, Beiträge zum Tag der Hydrologie, volume 31 of Forum für Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung, pages 177–182. Fachgemeinschaft Hydrologische Wissenschaften in der DWA, Hennef, 2012.
J. Grundmann, N. Schütze, M. Walther, G. H. Schmitz, F. Lennartz, and R. Al-Kindi. Water scarcity versus agricultural production – a new way for an optimal and sustainable management of resources under arid conditions. In Proceedings of the Gulf Water Conference, Doha, Katar, April 2012.
R. Müller, A. H. Saliha, and N. Schütze. Finding optimal management strategies: A multi-objective optimization of a multi- reservoir system in the lake Tana region, Ethiopia, using two different generalized reservoir system operation models. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Hydroinformatics, 2012.
T. Pham Van, J. Grundmann, N. Schütze, and G. H. Schmitz. Multi-objective design of a water distribution network using simulation–based optimization. In 14th Water Distribution Systems Analysis Conference, Adelaide, Australia, September 2012. American Society of Civil Engineers.
N. Schütze. Stochastic Optimization Of Irrigation Systems Under Water Resource Constraints From Plot To Regional Scale Using Decomposition. In A. Valocchi and G. Pinder, editors, Proceedings of the XIX International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA, 2012.
N. Schütze and M. de Paly. Highly efficient stochastic optimization of irrigation systems. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Hydroinformatics, 2012.
J. Grundmann, N. Schütze, and F. Lennartz. Sustainable management of a coupled groundwater-agriculture hydrosystem using multi-criterial simulation based optimisation. In International Conference on Integrated Water Resources Management, Dresden, Germany, 2011.
N. Schütze, J. Grundmann, S. Kloss, and G. H. Schmitz. Evaluating potentials and corresponding risks of optimal deficit irrigation strategies under climate change and other sources of uncertainty. In G. Blöschl, editor, Risk in Water Resources Management – Proceedings of Symposium H03 "Risk in Water Resources Management" (IAHS Publ.347), volume 347 of IAHS Redbook Series. IUGG, 2011. ISBN 978-1-907161-22-3.
S. Walser, N. Schütze, M. Guderle, S. Liske, and U. Schmidhalter. Evaluation of the transferability of SVAT-models – results from field and greenhouse experiments. In Proceedings of the 25th European Regional Conference. ICID, May 2011.
S. Walser, N. Schütze, M. Guderle, and U. Schmidhalter. Evaluation of adaptive irrigation scheduling and control. In Proceedings of the 21st International Congress on Irrigation and Drainage, Tehran, Iran, 2011. ICID.
J. Grundmann, N. Schütze, and G. H. Schmitz. A simulation based integrated Water Management System for sustainable Arid Zone Water Resources Management. In H. Steusloff, editor, Conference Proceedings IWRM Karlsruhe, pages 271–277. KIT Scientific Publishing 2010, 2010.
S. Kloss, N. Schütze, and S. Walser. Comparison of SVAT models for simulating and optimizing deficit irrigation systems in arid and semi-arid countries under climate variability. In Proceedings of the 6th Asian Regional Conference of ICID, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, September 2010.
G. H. Schmitz, S. Al-Hattaly, J. Grundmann, and N. Schütze. An integrated assessment, prognoses, planning and management tool (APPM) for a most efficient and sustainable arid zone water management. In W. Al-Zubari, editor, 9th Gulf Water Conference, Sultanate of Oman, March 2010. WSTA.
N. Schütze, S. Kloss, and G. H. Schmitz. Evaluating potentials and corresponding risks of optimal deficit irrigation strategies in Oman under climate change. In W. Al-Zubari, editor, 9th Gulf Water Conference, Sultanate of Oman, March 2010. WSTA.
S. Walser and N. Schütze. Simulation based optimization of irrigation and N-fertilization and monitoring of nitrate and ammonium transport using ion-selective electrodes. In Proceedings of the 6th Asian Regional Conference of ICID, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, September 2010.
S. Walser, N. Schütze, J. C. Mailhol, and P. Ruelle. Towards higher crop water productivity using a simulation based controlled deficit irrigation strategy. In Proceedings of the 6th Asian Regional Conference of ICID, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, September 2010.
S. Walser, N. Schütze, and U. Schmidhalter. Yield response and water use efficiency of deficit irrigated aerobic rice (under highly controlled conditions). In P. Kovalenko, editor, Proceedings of 23rd European Regional Conference of ICID, Lviv, Ukraine, May 2009.
A. Philipp, G. H. Schmitz, T. Krauße, N. Schütze, and J. Cullmann. Flash flood forecasting combining meteorological ensemble forecasts and uncertainty of initial hydrological conditions. In M. Lambert, T. Daniell, and M. Leonard, editors, 4th intern. Conf. On Water Res. and Environment Res. (IWRER), Adelaide, Australia, April 2008.
N. Schütze and G. H. Schmitz. Neuro-dynamic programming as a new framework for decision support for deficit irrigation sytems. In International Congress on Modelling and Simulation (ModSim), Christchurch, New Zealand, December 2007.
N. Schütze, T. Wöhling, M. de Paly, and G. H. Schmitz. Global optimization of deficit irrigation systems using evolutionary algorithms. In P. J. Binning, P. K. Engesgaard, H. K. Dahle, G. F. Pinder, and W. G. Gray, editors, Proceedings of the XVI International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 2006.
N. Schütze, M. de Paly, T. Wöhling, and G. H. Schmitz. Global optimisation of deficit irrigation systems using evolutionary algorithms and neural networks. In R. Dannowski, editor, ICID 21st European Regional Conference: Integrated Land and Water Management – Towards Sustainable Rural Development (ERC), 2005.
T. Wöhling, N. Schütze, and G. H. Schmitz. Development and application of a physically-based seasonal furrow irrigation model. In R. Dannowski, editor, ICID 21st European Regional Conference: Integrated Land and Water Management – Towards Sustainable Rural Development (ERC), 2005.
N. Schütze and G. H. Schmitz. Optimizing irrigation efficiency with Artificial Neural Networks. In Information Technologies in Environmental Engineering (ITEE), Gdansk, Poland, 2003. ICSC-NAISO Academic Press.
N. Schütze and G. H. Schmitz. Self-Organizing Maps as a new tool for optimizing irrigation parameters. In Gerd H. Schmitz, editor, Water Resources and Environment Research (ICWRER), volume I, pages 209–213, 2002.
G. H. Schmitz and N. Schütze. Optimizing irrigation efficiency - a neural network approach. In Portuguese National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage, editor, Water and the Environment: Innovation Issues in Irrigation and Drainage (Additional Papers), volume 2, pages 267–275, Lisbon, 1998. E and FN Spon.
G. H. Schmitz and N. Schütze. Die Erhöhung des Bewässerungswirkungsgrades durch Verbindung von Prozeßmodellen und neuronalen Netzen. In R. Friedrich, editor, Wasserbau – Visionen für das nächste Jahrtausend, pages 583–596, Innsbruck, 1997. Institute of Hydrology and Meterology.
G. H. Schmitz and N. Schütze. Pro und Contra zur Verwendung künstlicher neuronaler Netze in der Hydrologie. In G. H. Schmitz, editor, Modellierung in der Hydrologie, pages 50–65. Institute of Hydrology und Meteorology, TU Dresden, 1997.
- A. Al Khatri, J. Grundmann, R. von der Weth, and N. Schütze. Using Bayesian Networks (BNs) for Mapping Stakeholders Behaviors in Integrated Water Resource Management with a Focus on Irrigated Agriculture in Al Batinah Region of Oman. In 13th Gulf Water Conference, Kuwait, 2019.
- A. Gadádjisso-Tossou, T. Avellán, and N. Schütze. Potential of Deficit and Supplemental Irrigation under Climate Variability in Northern Togo, West Africa. In European Geoscience Union General Assembly, page 16503, Vienna (Austria), 2019.
- D. Spieler, J. Mai, J. R. Craig, B. Tolson, and N. Schütze. Automatic Model Structure Identification: Using Mixed-Integer Calibration for Model Development. In European Geoscience Union General Assembly, page 12715, Vienna (Austria), 2019.
- J. Grundmann, A. Al Khatri, and N. Schütze. Interactions of groundwater, agriculture and society in coastal arid regions under limited resources availability. In European Geoscience Union General Assembly, volume 20, page 14472, Vienna (Austria), 2018.
- J. Schanze, A. Sauer, V. Maleska, C. Bernhofer, N. Schütze, P. Winkler, U. Müller, and B. Pfützner. Methoden zur Projektion und Abschätzung der Zukünfte von Hydrosystemen: Herausforderungen, Stand der Forschung und Perspektiven. In Tag der Hydrologie, Dresden (Germany), March 2018.
- N. Schütze and D. Spieler. EXTRUSO – Neue Monitoring- & Vorhersagetechnologien zum kooperativen Risikomanagement. In DWA-Seminar: Starkregen und Sturzfluten – Erfassen, Erforschen, Evaluieren, München (Germany), 2018.
- R. Schwarze, C. Hauffe, P. Röhm, M. Wagner, N. Schütze, and K. Kuhn. Untersuchung von Auswirkungen prognostizierter Klimaänderungen auf den Wasserhaushalt in Sachsen. In Tag der Hydrologie, Dresden (Germany), March 2018.
- D. Spieler, J. Mai, J. R. Craig, B. Tolson, and N. Schütze. Towards Automatic Model Structure Identification for Conceptual Hydrologic Models. In AGU Fall Meeting, Washington D.C. (USA), 2018.
- D. Spieler, R. Schwarze, B. Beudert, and N. Schütze. Hydrologische Modellierung der Großen Ohe mittels verschiedener Modellstrukturen. In Jahrestreffen des Forschungsverbundes "Große Ohe", Neuschönau (Germany), March 2018.
- J. Grundmann and N. Schütze. Improving crop water productivity and food security of irrigation systems under limited water resources. In International Symposium Towards Climate Resilience and Sustainable Water Use in Africa, Bloemfontein (South Africa), 2017.
- F. Kerl, A. Philipp, C. Metzkes, T. Singer, M. Wagner, N. Schütze, and U. Müller. Kleinräumige Hochwasserfrühwarnung im Lichte operationeller Anforderungen: Chancen und Grenzen bezüglich Nutzeransprüchen, Antriebsdaten sowie hydrologischer Modellansätze. In Tag der Hydrologie, Koblenz (Germany), March 2016.
- J. Grundmann and N. Schütze. Ressourceneffizientes Bewässerungsmanagement am Beispiel des Oman. In GIZ Jahrestagung, Bad Lauterbach (Germany), June 2015. invited speaker.
- J. Grundmann and N. Schütze. Technisch-methodische Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze bei der integrierten Bewirtschaftung arider und semiarider Küstenregionen. In Tag der Hydrologie, Bonn, Deutschland, 2015.
- N. Schütze. Climate change and limited water versus food security in irrigation. In Water Research Horizon Conference, Berlin (Germany), June 2015. invited speaker.
- N. Schütze. How to improve crop water productivity and food security under limited water resources. In Nexus Seminar Series, Dresden (Germany), April 2015. UNU-FLORES and TU Dresden. invited speaker.
- N. Schütze and J. Grundmann. The use of general irrigation calendars under different climate conditions. In IUGG 2015 General Assembly, HW07 Control of Water Resource Systems, Prague (Czech Republic), June 2015. invited speaker.
- J. Grundmann, N. Schütze, and V. Heck. Optimal integrated management of groundwater resources and irrigated agriculture in arid coastal regions. In 6th IAHS-EGU International Symposium on Integrated Water Resources Management, Bologna (Italy), June 2014.
- R. Müller and N. Schütze. Coping with high reliabilities in multi-objective optimizations of multi-purpose reservoir systems. In European Geoscience Union General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), 2014.
- S. J. Seidel, S. Werisch, K. Barfus, M. Wagner, N. Schütze, and H. Laber. How do current irrigation practices perform? Evaluation of different irrigation scheduling approaches based on experiments and crop model simulations. In European Geoscience Union General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), 2014.
- S. J. Seidel, S. Werisch, U. Griessbach, and N. Schütze. From a comprehensively calibrated mechanistic crop model to field applications. In ASA, CSSA & SSSA International Annual Meetings. Nov. 2-5, Long Beach, CA., 2014.
- P. Stange and N. Schütze. Impact of Model Approximations on Soil Water Dynamics in Drip Irrigation. In International Conference on Numerical and Mathematical Modeling of Flow and Transport in Porous Media, 29.9. - 3.10.2014,Dubrovnik, 2014.
- P. Stange, N. Schütze, and U. Grießbach. Economic-based estimation of irrigation water demand. In World Conference on Natural Resource Modeling, 8.-11.7.2014, Vilnius, 2014.
- Y. H. Subagadis, N. Schütze, and J. Grundmann. A fuzzy stochastic framework for managing hydro-environmental and socio-economic interactions under uncertainty. In European Geoscience Union General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), 2014.
- J. Grundmann, N. Schütze, and V. Heck. A decomposition approach for optimal management of groundwater resources and irrigated agriculture in arid coastal regions. In European Geoscience Union General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), 2013.
- J. Grundmann, N. Schütze, and V. Heck. A simulation based integrated system for optimal water resources management and planning of agricultural coastal regions. In 6th International Conference on Water Resources and Environment Research, Koblenz (Germany), June 2013.
- S. Kloss, N. Schütze, and J. Grundmann. Estimating highly reliable soil tension threshold values in sensor-based deficit irrigation. In 6th International Conference on Water Resources and Environment Research, 3rd - 7th June, Koblenz, Germany, 2013.
- S. Kloss, N. Schütze, and J. Grundmann. Results from a 3-year deficit irrigation experiment with drip-irrigated maize to improve water productivity. In European Geoscience Union General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), 2013.
- N. Schütze. Integrated management of water resources demand and supply in irrigated agriculture – challenges and potentials. In Advancing a nexus approach to the sustainable management of water, soil and waste – International Kick-off Workshop, 2013.
- N. Schütze. Optimale Bewässerungssteuerung – Automatisierte Berechnungen mit Bewässerungsmodellen. In Bewässerungslandbau in Deutschland -Forschung trifft Anwendung, 24th - 25th September, Dresden, Germany, 2013.
- Y. H. Subagadis, N. Schütze, and J. Grundmann. An intelligent multi-objective multi-stakeholder water management decision making under uncertainty. In 16th International Riversymposiumm, 23-26th September, Brisbane, Australia, 2013.
- Y. H. Subagadis, N. Schütze, and J. Grundmann. Bayesian networks and simulation-based optimization for holistic water resources management: An application to coastal groundwater management. In 6th International Conference on Water Resources and Environment Research, 3rd - 7th June, Koblenz, Germany, 2013.
- J. Grundmann, N. Schütze, M. Brettschneider, G. H. Schmitz, and F. Lennartz. The use of surrogates for an optimal management of coupled groundwater-agriculture hydrosystems. In European Geoscience Union General Assembly, volume 14, page 8655, Vienna (Austria), 2012.
- J. Grundmann, N. Schütze, and F. Lennartz. Optimale integrierte Bewirtschaftung gekoppelter Grundwasser - Landwirtschaft Hydrosysteme. In Tag der Hydrologie, Freiburg (Germany), March 2012.
- J. Grundmann, N. Schütze, and G. Schmitz. Sustainable agricultural production under scarce water conditions – towards an integrated management of resources in arid regions. In IWRM Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe (Germany), November 2012.
- J. Grundmann, N. Schütze, M. Walther, G. H. Schmitz, F. Lennartz, and R. Al-Kindi. Water scarcity versus agricultural production – a new way for an optimal and sustainable management of resources under arid conditions. In 10th WSTA Gulf Water Conference, Doha (Qatar), April 2012.
- S. Kloss, N. Schütze, and M. de Paly. Highly efficient stochastic optimization of irrigation systems. In HIC 2012 - 10th International Conference on Hydroinformatic, Hamburg, Germany, July 2012.
- S. Kloss, N. Schütze, S. Walser, and J. Grundmann. A stochastic simulation-optimization approach for estimating highly reliable soil tension threshold values in sensor-based deficit irrigation. In European Geoscience Union General Assembly, volume 14, page 9045, Vienna (Austria), 2012.
- S. Kloss, S. J. Seidel, J. Grundmann, and N. Schütze. Reliable estimation of soil tension threshold values for sensor-based control of deficit irrigation systems. In IWRM Karlsruhe 2012, 2012.
- R. Müller, A. H. Saliha, and N. Schütze. Multi-objective combined simulation-optimization of Lake Tana multi reservoir system, Ethiopia, using two different generalized reservoir system operation models. In European Geoscience Union General Assembly, volume 14, page 13568, Vienna (Austria), 2012.
- N. Schütze and M. Brettschneider. Uncertainty quantification of rainfall runoff predictions using Gaussian process models. In European Geoscience Union General Assembly, volume 14, page 10560, Vienna (Austria), 2012.
- S. Kloss, N. Schütze, S. Walser, and J. Grundmann. Comparison of Different Model-Based Deficit Irrigation Strategies to Maximize Water Productivity of Corn. In European Geoscience Union General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), 2011.
- N. Schütze. Water and Food. In Summer School on Integrated Water Resources Management, Addis Abeba, Ethiopia, 2011. Keynote.
- N. Schütze, M. de Paly, C. Bürger, and P. Bayer. Computationally efficient stochastic optimization of deficit irrigation systems. In European Geoscience Union General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), 2011.
- S. Walser, N. Schütze, S. Kloss, J. Grundmann, and U. Schmidhalter. Evaluation of simulation based deficit irrigation and fertilization strategies to maximize water productivity and nitrogen use efficiency. In 21st International Congress on Irrigation and Drainage, Teheran, Iran, October 2011.
- M. Walther, J. Seegert, J. Grundmann, S. Kloss, N. Schütze, A. Gerner, F. Lennartz, G. Schmitz, O. Kolditz, and R. Liedl. IWAS – International Water Research Alliance Saxony, Water Resources Management for Hydrologically Sensitive Regions. In SHARP Sustainable Hydro Assessment 4th Partner Meeting, Wroclaw/Dresden, POL/DE, October 2011.
- M. Brettschneider, N. Schütze, and J. Grundmann. Development of surrogate Models for reproduction of complex numerical simulation models and application in a water resource management system. In The New Zealand Hydrological Society Annual Conference, Dunedin, New Zealand, 2010.
- J. Grundmann, N. Schütze, and G. H. Schmitz. A simulation based integrated water management system for sustainable arid zone water resources management. In Joint Conference with International Conference of Water Resources and Environment Research and International Symposium of Stochastic Hydraulics, Quebec, Canada, July 2010.
- S. Kloss, S. Walser, and N. Schütze. Evaluation of Different Crop Models for Estimating the Potentials to Increase the Water Use Efficiency under Climate Variability. In 61st IECM and the 6th ARC of ICID, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, October 2010.
- G. H. Schmitz, S. Al-Hattaly, J. Grundmann, N. Schütze, and M. Walther. An Integrated Assessment-, Prognoses-, Planning- and Managementtool (APPM) for Sustainable Arid Zone Water Management. In Proceedings of the WSTA 9th Gulf Water Conference, 2010.
- N. Schütze, T. Wöhling, and M. de Play. A comparative study of three simulation optimization algorithms for solving high dimensional multi-objective optimization problems in water resources. In European Geoscience Union General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), May 2010.
- S. Walser and N. Schütze. Simulation based optimization of irrigation and N-fertilization and monitoring of nitrate and ammonium transport using ion-selective electrodes. In 6th Asian Regional Conference of ICID, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, October 2010.
- N. Schütze and G. H. Schmitz. A neuro-dynamic programming approach for optimal scheduling and feedback control of deficit irrigation systems. In European Geoscience Union General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 2009.
- B. Heinrich, T. Wöhling, and N. Schütze. 3D-Modelling of unsaturated waterflow at the SPYDIA site, Lake Taupo. In Extremes: Joint NZHS and MSHZ Annual Conference, Shantytown/Greymouth, New Zealand, November 2008.
- R. Pushpalatha, G. H. Schmitz, N. Schütze, and B. S. Das. The Application of a Stochastic Optimization Strategy for Water Resources Management in Irrigation at Field Level. In 13th National Symposium on Hydrology, Delhi, India, 2008.
- T. Wöhling, G. F. Barkle, N. Schütze, F. Wang, G. H. Schmitz, and R. Liedl. Interacting Vadose Zone - Groundwater Flow at the Spydia site, Lake Taupo. In Soils Conference, Palmerston North, New Zealand, December 2008.
- N. Schütze. More crop per drop: increasing irrigation efficiency with soft-computing optimization methods. In 1st Minerva Fellows Meeting, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, 2007.
- G. H. Schmitz, N. Schütze, and T. Wöhling. A new strategy to increase furrow irrigation efficiency. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Agricultural and Food Engeneering, Kharagpur, India, 2004.
- N. Schütze, T. Wöhling, M. de Paly, and G. H. Schmitz. Optimization of Furrow Irrigation using Evolutionary Algorithms. In A. Fischer and J. Fliege, editors, Workshop on Applied Optimization. Institute of Numerics (TU Dresden), 2004.
- J. Ali, N. Schütze, and M. Mazzoleni. An Agent-Based Simulation Approach for Studying Human-Flood Interactions and Regional Evacuation Modelling. In European Geoscience Union General Assembly, page 1233, Vienna (Austria), 2019.
- A. Gadádjisso-Tossou, T. Avellán, and N. Schütze. Impact of Irrigation Strategies on Maize (Zea mays L.) Production in the Savannah Region of Northern Togo (West Africa). In European Geoscience Union General Assembly, page 13334, Vienna (Austria), 2019.
- R. Mietrach and N. Schütze. Modeling numerical challenging problems of water flow in unsaturated, heterogeneous soil using the Method of Lines approach. In European Geoscience Union General Assembly, page 15482, Vienna (Austria), 2019.
- M. E. Orduna-Alegria, N. Schütze, and D. Niyogi. Hydroclimatic impacts in agriculture in the U.S.: an integrated assessment of the prospective implementation of deficit irrigation strategies. In European Geoscience Union General Assembly, page 8153, Vienna (Austria), 2019.
- S. Pahner, R. Mietrach, and N. Schütze. Flood forecasting in small catchments: A comparative application of long short-term memory networks and artificial neural networks. In European Geoscience Union General Assembly, page 8536, Vienna (Austria), 2019.
- S. Pahner, T. Singer, and N. Schütze. Künstliche Neuronale Netze zur Durchflussvorhersage in kleinen und mittleren Einzugsgebieten. In Tag der Hydrologie, Karlsruhe (Germany), 2019.
- N. Schütze and O. Mialyk. Deficit Irrigation Toolbox: A new tool to improve crop water productivity and food security under limited water resources. In European Geoscience Union General Assembly, page 16135, Vienna (Austria), 2019.
- D. Spieler, J. Mai, J. R. Craig, B. Tolson, and N. Schütze. Automatische Model Struktur Identifikation für konzeptionelle Hydrologische Modelle. In Tag der Hydrologie, Karlsruhe (Germany), 2019.
- S. Pahner, T. Singer, and N. Schütze. Comprehensive investigation of preprocessing approaches on artificial neural networks for flood forecasting. In European Geoscience Union General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), 2018.
- T. Singer, C. Koszinski, and N. Schütze. Data-driven flood prediction: from regional to detailed analyses. In European Geoscience Union General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), 2018.
- T. Singer, C. Koszinski, and N. Schütze. Datengetriebene Hochwasservorhersage: von der regionalen Studie zur detaillierten Fehleranalyse. In Tag der Hydrologie, Dresden (Germany), March 2018.
- D. Spieler, R. Schwarze, B. Beudert, and N. Schütze. A Case Study for Testing Automatic Model Structure Identification as a Tool for Identifying Hydrologic Change. In European Geoscience Union General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), 2018.
- D. Spieler, R. Schwarze, B. Beudert, and N. Schütze. Optimierung der Modellstruktur als Ansatz zur Analyse hydrologischer Strukturänderungen in einem großflächig gestörten Waldeinzugsgebiet. In Tag der Hydrologie, Dresden (Germany), March 2018.
- I. Khaddam and N. Schütze. A comprehensive guide for designing more efficient irrigation systems with respect to application control. In European Geoscience Union General Assembly, page 4506, v, 2017.
- T. Luong, R. Kronenberg, F. Janabi, N. Schütze, and C. Bernhofer. Comparative estimation and assessment of initial soil moisture conditions for Flash Flood warning in Saxony. In European Geoscience Union General Assembly, page 3728, Vienna (Austria), 2017.
- C. Metzkes, T. Singer, N. Schütze, M. Wagner, and A. Philipp. A comparative study of data-driven approaches for flood early warning in small catchments. In European Geoscience Union General Assembly, page 652, Vienna (Austria), 2017.
- N. Schütze and M. Wagner. Optimal control strategies for deficit irrigation systems under different climate conditions. In European Geoscience Union General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), 2017.
- T. Singer, C. Metzkes, and N. Schütze. Analysis on the phenomena of phase shift errors of data-driven flood forecasting models. In European Geoscience Union General Assembly, page 889, Vienna (Austria), 2017.
- D. Spieler, R. Schwarze, and N. Schütze. Effects of model structure and catchment discretization on discharge simulation in a small forest catchment. In European Geoscience Union General Assembly, page 8029, Vienna (Austria), 2017.
- S. Wiemann, H. Sardemann, A. Eltner, D. Spieler, T. T. Luong, T. Singer, F. A. Janabi, N. Schütze, L. Bernard, C. Bernhofer, H. G. Maas, J. Lorenz, R. Kronenberg, and P. Karrasch. On the monitoring and prediction of flash floods in small and medium-sized catchments – the EXTRUSO project. In European Geoscience Union General Assembly, page 4862, Vienna (Austria), 2017.
- A. Al Khatri, J. Grundmann, R. von der Weth, and N. Schütze. Mapping Stakeholders' Behaviors for Improving Water Management in an Agricultural Coastal Region in Oman. In International Water Conference 2016 on Water Resource in Arid areas: The Way Forward, Muscat(Oman), 2016.
- J. Grundmann, R. Ladwig, N. Schütze, and M. Walther. Simulating spatial adaption of groundwater pumping on seawater intrusion in coastal regions. In European Geoscience Union General Assembly, page 12356, Vienna (Austria), 2016.
- A. Hartmann, J. Šimůnek, and N. Schütze. Integrated Coupling of Surface and Subsurface Flow with HYDRUS-2D. In European Geoscience Union General Assembly, page 3545, Vienna (Austria), 2016.
- I. Khaddam and N. Schütze. Bewässerungsatlanten: ein Werkzeug für die Planung effizienterer Bewässerungsanlagen. In Tag der Hydrologie, 2016.
- N. Schütze and M. Wagner. Optimal management of water resources demand and supply in irrigated agriculture from plot to regional scale. In European Geoscience Union General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), 2016.
- A. Al Khatri, J. Grundmann, R. von der Weth, and N. Schütze. Analysis of Stakeholder's Behaviours for an Improved Management of an Agricultural Coastal Region in Oman. In European Geoscience Union General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), 2015.
- J. Grundmann, A. Al Khatri, and N. Schütze. The interplay between groundwater-agriculture hydrosystems and their societal implications for managing arid coastal regions. In IUGG 2015 General Assembly, Prague (Czech Republic), June 2015.
- J. Grundmann and N. Schütze. Long-term fluctuations of water resources availability and its implications for a sustainable management of arid agricultural coastal regions. In European Geoscience Union General Assembly, page 11047, Vienna (Austria), 2015.
- S. Kloss and N. Schütze. Investigation of water productivity for maize with focus on the difference in global radiation between a greenhouse and a field site. In European Geoscience Union General Assembly, page 909, Vienna (Austria), 2015.
- R. Müller and N. Schütze. Impact of the length of time series on simulation-based multi-objective optimization for water resources management. In European Geoscience Union General Assembly, page 13840, Vienna (Austria), 2015.
- P. Stange, U. Griessbach, and N. Schütze. Optimal crop selection and water allocation under limited water supply in irrigation. In European Geoscience Union General Assembly, page 8979, Vienna (Austria), 2015.
- Y. Subagadis, N. Schütze, and J. Grundmann. An integrated modeling approach to support management decisions of coupled groundwater-agricultural systems under multiple uncertainties. In European Geoscience Union General Assembly, page 5237, Vienna (Austria), 2015.
- S. Werisch, F. Lennartz, and N. Schütze. Analysing the Information Content of Point Measurements of the Soil Hydraulic State Variables by Global Sensitivity Analysis and Multiobjective Parameter Estimation. In European Geoscience Union General Assembly, page 12858, Vienna (Austria), 2015.
- U. Grießbach, P. Stange, and N. Schütze. Konzeption eines Entscheidungshilfesystems für die Bewässerung in der Landwirtschaft: Agrarökonomische Betrachtungen. In EWISOLA, 17.-19.09.2014, Göttingen, 2014.
- J. Grundmann, V. Heck, and N. Schütze. Multi-objective optimisation for a sustainable groundwater resources and agricultural management in arid coastal regions. In European Geoscience Union General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), 2014.
- J. Grundmann, V. T. Pham, R. Müller, and N. Schütze. A simulation-optimisation approach for designing water distribution networks under multiple objectives. In European Geoscience Union General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), 2014.
- S. Kloss, M. Werisch, and N. Schütze. Root distribution analyses as a means of improving sensor-based deficit irrigation systems. In European Geoscience Union General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), 2014.
- R. Müller and N. Schütze. Multi-criteria objective based climate change impact assessment for multi-purpose multi-reservoir systems. In European Geoscience Union General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), 2014.
- N. Schütze, U. Grießbach, P. Röhm, P. Stange, M. Wagner, S. J. Seidel, S. Werisch, and K. Barfus. Demand driven decision support for efficient water resources allocation in irrigated agriculture. In European Geoscience Union General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), 2014.
- K. Barfus, M. Wagner, and N. Schütze. Einfluss unterschiedlicher Methoden zur Lückenfüllung von Klimadatensätzen auf die Simulation landwirtschaftlicher Erträge mit einem SVAT. In DACH Meteorologentagung, 2th - 6th September, Innsbruck, Austria, 2013.
- R. Müller and N. Schütze. Improving the robustness of a multi-reservoir system to climate change using multi -objective optimization. In European Geophysical Union General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), 2013.
- N. Schütze and M. de Paly. Simple and reliable irrigation scheduling calendars for arid regions. In European Geoscience Union General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 2013.
- N. Schütze, T. Roy, M. Brettschneider, and J. Grundmann. Optimal groundwater management using surrogate models: a case study for an arid coastal region. In European Geoscience Union General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), 2013.
- S. Kloss, N. Schütze, and M. de Paly. Evaluating potentials and corresponding risks of deficit irrigation systems: comparison of two stochastic optimization strategies. In European Geoscience Union General Assembly, volume 14, page 9260, Vienna (Austria), 2012.
- N. Schütze, S. Kloss, J. Grundmann, F. Lennartz, and G. H. Schmitz. Incorporation of SVAT models and efficient optimization strategies into water resources management tools for improving crop water productivity from field to regional scale. In International Conference on Integrated Water Resources Management, Dresden, Germany, October 2011.
- N. Schütze, T. Wöhling, M. de Paly, and G. H. Schmitz. Meeting challenges of the Blue Revolution: increasing irrigation efficiency with soft-computing optimisation methods. In Workshop on Integrated Water Research and Water Management, pages 92–95, 2004.
- N. Schütze, S. Pahner, C. Metzkes, and M. Wagner. Prototyp LHWZ-Synergiemodell – Entwicklung (Konzeption und Implementierung) einer Methodik zur konzeptionellen, teilflächenorientierten hydrologischen Modellierung zur synergetischen Nutzung zur pegelbezogenen Durchflussvorhersage sowie als Basis zur Ableitung von flächenhaften Hochwasserfrühwarnprodukten unter Berücksichtigung von Aspekten der topologischen Gebietsgliederung, Stauanlagenwirkung, Datenassimilation und Zustandsnachführung, Fehlerkorrektur, Parameterschätzung (Kalibrierung) sowie der Bestimmung der prädiktiven Unsicherheit mittels Ensemble-Verarbeitung exemplarisch für das Einzugsgebiet der Großen Röder bis zum Pegel Kleinraschütz. Forschungsbericht, Professur für Hydrologie, Technische Universität Dresden, 2019. Hrsg. Sächsisches Landesamt für Umwelt, Landwirtschaft und Geologie.
- N. Schütze, C. Metzkes, and M. Wagner. Flächendeckende Implementierung, Vergleich von zu erwartenden Vorhersage-Güten, sowie Bewertung der räumlichen Übertragbarkeit von deterministischen, datengetriebenen, sowie Scoring-Modellen für den Anwendungsfall der HW-Frühwarnung für kleine Einzugsgebiete in Sachsen. Forschungsbericht, Professur für Hydrologie, Technische Universität Dresden, 2016. Hrsg. Sächsisches Landesamt für Umwelt, Landwirtschaft und Geologie.
- N. Schütze, T. Singer, and M. Wagner. Verifikation probabilistischer quantitativer Niederschlagsvorhersageprodukte (QPF) im Hinblick auf deren Eignung als Antrieb für ein Hochwasserfrühwarnsystem für kleine Einzugsgebiete in Sachsen. Forschungsbericht, Professur für Hydrologie, Technische Universität Dresden, 2016. Hrsg. Sächsisches Landesamt für Umwelt, Landwirtschaft und Geologie.
- N. Schütze, T. Singer, P. Stange, M. Wagner, and R. Schwarze. Entwicklung und beispielhafte Implementierung von deterministischen sowie datengetriebenen Methoden zur hydrologischen Vorhersage und Prognose in kleinen, teilweise unbeobachteten Einzugsgebieten für die Ableitung von Hochwasser-Frühwarnungen. Forschungsbericht, Professur für Hydrologie, Technische Universität Dresden, 2015. Hrsg. Sächsisches Landesamt für Umwelt, Landwirtschaft und Geologie.
- F. Lennartz and N. Schütze. Coping with climate change impacts development of options for rain fed agriculture in the highlands of Yemen. Technical report, Dresden University of Technology, 2009. On behalf of RALP and the World Bank.
- G. H. Schmitz, F. Lennartz, R. Schwarze, and N. Schütze. Hydrodynamische Analyse des Hochwasserwellen-Ablaufs des Schwarzbaches in der Ortslage Markneukirchen – Hydrodynamische Analyse des Hochwasserwellen - Ablaufs des Schwarzbaches in der Ortslage Markneukirchen - Einfluß der Einleitungen aus der neuen Stadtentwässerung. Technical report, Institut für Hydrologie und Meteorologie (TU Dresden), 1996.
- G. H. Schmitz, F. Lennartz, R. Schwarze, and N. Schütze. Hydrodynamische Analyse des Hochwasserwellen-Ablaufs des Schwarzbaches in der Ortslage Markneukirchen – Problemanalyse und Lösungsweg. Berechnungen und Ergebnisse für den Schwarzbach bis zum Ortseingang Markneukirchen. Technical report, Institut für Hydrologie und Meteorologie (TU Dresden), 1996.
- MHYD01: Angewandte Hydrologie, Teilmodul Ingenieurhydrologie
- MHYD03: Hydrologische Modelle
- MHYD07: Bodenwasserhaushalt
- MHYD10: Hydromelioration, Teilmodul Bewässerung
- MHYD12: Spezielle Aspekte der Hydrologie
- MultiRisk
- Deficit Irrigation Toolbox (DIT)
- KliWES 2
- HW2020 - Prototype LHWZ synergy model
- EXTRUSO - Extreme events in small and meso scale catchments
- SAPHIR - Saxonian Platform for high Performance Irrigation
- Mehrzieloptimierung zur nachhaltigen Planung und Betrieb von Bewässerungsanlagen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Niederschlagsvariabilität
- Integrative Modellierung von Wasser- und Stofftransport in gesättigten und ungesättigten Bodenzonen
- Hochwasservorhersage in schnell reagierenden Einzugsgebieten mit Berechnung der Vorhersageunsicherheit