Quick Start Guide
If you are new to Deficit Irrigation Toolbox, we recommend starting with a quick start guide which you can download using the link below. It includes simulation examples starting from a simple rainfed scenario up to an advanced scenario with irrigation optimization.
Complete user guide
The full description of the software you can find in a complete user guide provided by the link below. Apart from step-by-step explanations of the simulation process, the guide also includes troubleshooting section and recommendations of how to manipulate the code.
Technical requirements
The code was written in MATLAB R2017a. It may not be compiled with the previous versions. Therefore, we recommend to use the same or newer version of MATLAB.
- N. Schütze and O. Mialyk. Deficit Irrigation Toolbox: A new tool to improve crop water productivity and food security under limited water resources. In Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 21, EGU2019-16135, 2019.
- A. Gadédjisso-Tossou, T. Avellán, and N. Schütze. Potential of Deficit and Supplemental Irrigation under Climate Variability in Northern Togo, West Africa. Water, 10(12):1803, 2018. doi:10.3390/w10121803.
S. J. Seidel, S. Werisch, K. Barfus, M. Wagner, N. Schütze, and H. Laber. Field Evaluation of Irrigation Scheduling Strategies using a Mechanistic Crop Growth Model. Irrigation and Drainage, 2016. doi:10.1002/ird.1942.
S. J. Seidel, N. Schütze, M. Fahle, J.-C. Mailhol, and P. Ruelle. Optimal Irrigation Scheduling, Irrigation Control and Drip Line Layout to Increase Water Productivity and Profit in Subsurface Drip-Irrigated Agriculture. Irrigation and Drainage, 64(4):501–518, 2015. doi:10.1002/ird.1926.
S. Kloss, J. Grundmann, N. Schütze, S. Werisch, S. J. Seidel, J. Trümmer, and U. Schmidhalter. Investigation of optimal deficit irrigation strategies combining SVAT-modeling and experiments. Environmental Earth Sciences, 72(12):4901–4915, 2014. doi:10.1007/s12665-014-3463-7.
- S. Kloss, N. Schütze, and U. Schmidhalter. Evaluation of very high soil water tension threshold values in sensor-based deficit irrigation systems. Irrigation Drainage and Engineering, 2014. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)IR.1943-4774.0000722.
S. Kloss, R. Pushpalatha, K. Kamoyo, and N. Schütze. Evaluation of Crop Models for Simulating and Optimizing Deficit Irrigation Systems in Arid and Semi-arid Countries Under Climate Variability. Water Resources Management, 26:997–1014, March 2012. 10.1007/s11269-011-9906-y.
N. Schütze, M. de Paly, and U. Shamir. Novel simulation-based algorithms for optimal open-loop and closed-loop scheduling of deficit irrigation systems. Journal of Hydroinformatics, 14(1):136–151, 2012. doi:10.2166/hydro.2011.073.
N. Schütze, S. Kloss, F. Lennartz, A. Al Bakri, and G. H. Schmitz. Optimal planning and operation of irrigation systems under water resource constraints in Oman considering climatic uncertainty. Environmental Earth Sciences, 65(5, SI):1511–1521, MAR 2012. doi:10.1007/s12665-011-1135-4.
N. Schütze and G. H. Schmitz. OCCASION: New Planning Tool for Optimal Climate Change Adaption Strategies in Irrigation. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering - ASCE, 136(12):836–846, DEC 2010. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)IR.1943-4774.0000266.