Useful Local Climate Information for Germany 2 (NUKLEUS2)
Sub-project TUD: Methodical optimization of the interfaces between climate and impact models (MOS)
Project duration: June 2023 - May 2026
Project descritption NUKLEUS2:
The joint project "Useable Local Climate Information for Germany 2 (NUKLEUS2)" will also be one of two cross-sectional projects in the second phase of the RegIKlim. NUKLEUS2 pursues three main goals: firstly, the conceptual design and implementation of a climate register, secondly, the evaluation of the underlying climate data for the impact models and thirdly, the optimisation of standardised interfaces to the applications of the model regions. To achieve these goals, three work packages (WP) are being implemented in NUKLEUS2. The central product of the second funding phase and also of work package 1 will be the prototype of a climate register. The focus of the work in work package 2 will be on the quality assurance of the climate data and the investigation of bandwidths in the climate change signals. All activities around the interfaces to the users of climate data and information will be summarised in work package 3.
Project descritption sub-project TUD:
The focus of the sub-project is the optimisation of interfaces in order to bring the quality-assured climate data of the NUKLEUS model ensemble together with required geodata, e.g. on land use, into the application in an accurate and harmonised form. This focus is being worked on under the leadership of TUD in NUKLEUS2-WP 3. Essential aspects are the support of the model regions and the cooperation with the users in the use of NUKLEUS2 data for impact models. The quantification of uncertainties in the model chain from climate to impact models is a technical focus of the TUD sub-project. Furthermore, TUD will participate in the conception and prototypical implementation of the climate register in AP 1.
PI sub-project Chair of Meteorology, TU Dresden:
Co-operation partners:
Helmholtz-Zentrum hereon GmbH (Hereon)*, **, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)*, Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum GmbH (DKRZ), Universität Würzburg (UW), Brandenburgische Technische Universität (BTU), Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen (JLU)
* Lead Partners, co-ordination ** With two Institutes: Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS) und Institut für Küstensysteme (KS)
Funding: „Regional Information on Climate Action“ (RegIKlim), cross-sectional projects