Publikationen Maik Renner
Wissenschaftliche Artikel
Renner, M. and Bernhofer, C.: Applying simple water-energy balance frameworks to predict the climate sensitivity of streamflow over the continental United States, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 16, 2531-2546, , 2012.
Renner, M., Seppelt, R., and Bernhofer, C.: Evaluation of water-energy balance frameworks to predict the sensitivity of streamflow to climate change, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 16, 1419-1433, , 2012.
Renner, M. and Bernhofer, C.: Long term variability of the annual hydrological regime and sensitivity to temperature phase shifts in Saxony/Germany, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 15, 1819-1833, , 2011.
M. Renner, MGF Werner, S. Rademacher, and E. Sprokkereef. Verification of ensemble flow forecasts for the River Rhine. Journal of Hydrology, 376(3-4):463–475, , 2009.
P. Reggiani, M. Renner, AH Weerts, and P. van Gelder. Uncertainty assessment via Bayesian revision of ensemble streamflow predictions in the operational river Rhine forecasting system. Water Resources Research, 45(2):W02428, , 2009.
M. Renner. How to use new information technologies for prediction: Ensemble flow
forecasting, verification and postprocessing. IAHS PUB 2011 International Workshop:
P3 - Putting PUB into Practice, 10-14 May, Canmore Canada, 2011.
M. Renner and C. Bernhofer. Shifting seasons in hydrology: Viewing streamflow through
the lens of sines and cosines. 7th Higrade Conference 2011, 13-14 April in Leipzig,
Germany, 7, 2011.
M. Renner and C. Bernhofer. Variability of the annual cycle of streamflow records
throughout Central Europe. EGU General Assembly 2011, 3-8 April in Vienna, Austria,
EGU2011-7781, 2011.
M. Renner and C. Bernhofer. Long term variability of the annual hydrological regime
and sensitivity to temperature phase shifts in Saxony/Germany. EGU Leonardo Topical
Conference Series on the hydrological cycle 2010: Looking at Catchments in Colors,
10-12 November, Luxembourg, 2010.
M. Renner and C. Bernhofer. Veränderungen des Jahresgangs der Temperatur und
der Einfluss auf das hydrologische Regime von Flusseinzugsgebieten in Sachsen, DACH
Meteorologen-Tagung, 20-24 September in Bonn, Germany, 2010.
Renner, M., Werner, M. (2008). Verification of ensemble flow forecasts for the River Rhine. HEPEX Workshop: Uncertainty Post-processing for Hydrologic Ensemble Prediction, Delft, The Netherlands, June 23-25, 2008
Renner, M., Reggiani, P. (2008). Uncertainty assessment of ensemble flow forecasts for the River Rhine. HEPEX Workshop: Uncertainty Post-processing for Hydrologic Ensemble Prediction, Delft, The Netherlands, June 23-25, 2008
M. Renner and C. Bernhofer. Variability of the annual cycle of streamflow records
throughout Central Europe. EGU General Assembly 2011, 3-8 April in Vienna, Austria,
EGU2011-7781, 2011.
M. Renner and M. Werner. What we can learn from probabilistic verification scores in
the context of hydrological ensemble forecasting. EGU General Assembly 2010, 2-7 May
in Vienna, Austria, EGU2010-12998, May 2010.
M. Renner and C. Bernhofer. Seasonal variability and annual phase shift of the runoff
ratio of German river catchments. EGU General Assembly 2010, 2-7 May in Vienna,
Austria, EGU2010-3675, May 2010.