Jana Glass (Ringleb)

Research Associate
NameDr. Jana Glaß
Parental leave
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Research Group INOWAS
Research Group INOWAS
Visiting address:
Pratzschwitzer Str. 15, Room 205
01796 Pirna
06.2019 |
Dr. rer. nat. |
2014 | Master of Science Geoecology Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany |
2012 | Bachelor of Science Geoecology Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany |
2010 |
Exchange student |
since 09.2014 |
Research Associate |
05-06.2017 |
Visiting Researcher |
2013-2014 |
Master thesis Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, Department of Hydrogeology, Leipzig „Quantifizierung von Grundwasserzustrom und Pestizideintrag in ein Fließgewässer“ |
My research focuses in general on the planning, management and optimisation of managed aquifer recharge (MAR) applications. The application and development of numerical models and web-based tools to assess various processes occurring at MAR sites is of special interest.
Duration | Project description |
08.2022 - 11.2024 | Project member Adaptive agreements on benefits sharing for managed aquifer recharge in the Mediterranean region (AGREEMAR) The project will develop an integrated, participative and coordinated methodology to assess and map the feasibility of nature-based groundwater solutions such as managed aquifer recharge (MAR) for climate change adaptation in the Mediterranean region. Read more |
06.2021-12.2021 |
Project leader TUD |
02.2019-07.2022 |
Project member |
09.2014- 04.2020 | Project member / PhD student Innovative web-based decision support system for water sustainability under a changing climate (INOWAS) The INOWAS project aims at providing stakeholders with a an interractive web-based decision support system for planning, design and assessment of managed aquifer recharge (MAR) applications. Read more |
- Lecturer “Web-based numerical modelling and optimisation of MAR/INOWAS“ at the Web-based training course on RBF/MAR” for the Geological Survey of Finland GTK, 08. – 10.09.2021
- Lecturer “Web-based numerical modelling and optimisation of MAR (INOWAS)” and “Modelling exercises (INOWAS)” at the 3rd International Summer School on Managed Aquifer Recharge (MARISS), 23.08. – 03.09.2021, HTW Dresden, Dresden, Germany
- Short course “Web-based numerical modeling and optimisation of MAR applications using the free INOWAS platform“ at the 10th International Symposium on Managed Aquifer Recharge. Madrid, Spain, 20-24 May 2019
- Lecturer “MAR modelling” and “MAR modelling using the web-based INOWAS DSS modelling platform” at the 2nd International INOWAS Summer School on managed aquifer recharge, 2016, Dresden, Germany
- Lecturer “Numerical groundwater flow modelling” and “Water balance assessment and natural groundwater recharge estimation“ at the 1st International INOWAS Summer School on managed aquifer recharge, 2017, Dresden, Germany
- Tailin Li (2018)
Setup of numerical groundwater flow and transport model to determine flow paths and travel times at the Berlin-Spandau MAR site, Master thesis, Technische Universität Dresden 2018 - Hannah Zeumer (2017)
Determination of clogging processes during infiltration of river water or treated wastewater, Master thesis, Technische Universität Dresden 2017 - Susann Brecht (2015)
Estimating groundwater recharge through tracer test at Pirna test site. Master thesis, Technische Universität Dresden, December 2015 - Xunyu Fan (2015)
Estimating groundwater recharge in Germany, Israel and Costa Rica with the help of unsaturated soil zone models. Master thesis, Technische Universität Dresden, October 2015 - Daniela Alejandra Via Rico (2015)
Transient flow modelling of an exploited aquifer in the city of Hanoi, Vietnam and simulation of managed aquifer recharge measures. Master thesis, Technische Universität Dresden, October 2015
- Glass, J., Junghanns, R., Schlick, R., Stefan, C., 2022. The INOWAS platform: A web-based numerical groundwater modelling approach for groundwater management applications. Environmental Modelling & Software 155, 105452. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsoft.2022.105452
- Glass, J., Šimůnek, J., Stefan, C. (2020) Scaling factors in HYDRUS to simulate a reduction in hydraulic conductivity during infiltration from recharge wells and infiltration basins. Vadose Zone Journal, 19:e20027. https://doi.org/10.1002/vzj2.20027.
Stefan, C., Glass, J., Sallwey, J., Junghanns, R., Fichtner, T., Barquero, F. (2020)
Managed aquifer recharge (MAR): from global perspective to local planning. Desalination and Water Treatment, 176, 78-83. https://doi.org/10.5004/dwt.2020.25500 -
Glass, J., Jain, R., Junghanns, R., Sallwey, J., Fichtner, T., Stefan, C. (2018) Web-based tool compilation of analytical equations for groundwater management applications. Environmental Modelling & Software, 108: 1-7. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsoft.2018.07.008.
- Glass, J., Via Rico, D.A., Stefan, C., Tran, T.V.N. (2018) Simulation of the impact of managed aquifer recharge on the groundwater system in Hanoi, Vietnam. Hydrogeology Journal, 26: 2427–2442. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10040-018-1779-1.
- Sallwey, J., Glass, J., Stefan, C. (2018) Utilizing unsaturated soil zone models for assessing managed aquifer recharge. Sustainable Water Resources Management, 4: 383–397. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40899-018-0214-z.
- Ringleb, J., Sallwey, J., Stefan, C. (2016) Assessment of Managed Aquifer Recharge through Modeling—A Review. Water, 8(12): 579. https://doi.org/10.3390/w8120579.
- Glass, J., Schlick, R., Junghanns, R., Sprenger, C. , Stefan, C. (2022) Advancement of the INOWAS groundwater modelling platform: web-based tools for real-time monitoring and assessment of risks at managed aquifer recharge sites. Presentation at the Groundwater, key to sustainable development goals conference, Paris, France, 18-20 May 2022
- Picot-Colbeaux G., Hakoun V., Amraoui N., Vergnes J.P., Thiéry D., Glass J., Duzan A., Maréchal J.C. (2022) Numerical groundwater modelling SMART CONTROL web based tool applied on MAR system of Bas Gapeau Alluvial Aquifer (Hyères les Palmiers, France). Poster presented at the Groundwater, key to sustainable development goals conference, Paris, France, 18-20 May 2022.
- Glass, J., Junghanns, R., Schlick, R., Stefan, C. (2021) Implementation of a new framework for real-time monitoring and modelling of subsurface processes at a pilot managed aquifer recharge site in Pirna, Germany. Presentation at the 48th Congress of the International Association of Hydrogeologists. Brussels, Belgium, 6-10 September 2021
- Stefan, C., Glass, J. (2019) SMART-Control: Web-based real-time monitoring and modeling of managed aquifer recharge applications. Presentation at the Wokshop: "A whole day on MAR: Managed aquifer recharge as a real climate change adaptation mechanism. Examples and indicators from five countries". Workshop organised as side event within the EIP Water Innovation Conference 2019 “Accelerating action to tackle water pollution and enhance EU preparedness to water-related climate change impacts”. Zaragoza, Spain, 11 December 2019. Download workshop report
- Stefan, C., Glass, J. (2019) SMART-Control: smart framework for real-time monitoring and control of subsurface processes in managed aquifer recharge applications. Presentation at the 10th Water Research Horizon Conference 2019, Hannover, Germany, 18-19 June 2019
- Glass, J., Šimůnek, J., Stefan, C. (2019) Integration of time-variable scaling factors in HYDRUS to simulate the reduction of hydraulic conductivity due to clogging during managed aquifer recharge operation. Presentation at the 10th International Symposium on Managed Aquifer Recharge. Madrid, Spain, 20-24 May 2019
- Glass, J., Li, T., Sprenger, C., Stefan, C. (2019) Investigation of viscosity effects caused by seasonal temperature fluctuations during MAR. Poster presented at the 10th International Symposium on Managed Aquifer Recharge. Madrid, Spain, 20-24 May 2019
- Stefan, C., Junghanns, R., Glass, J., Sallwey, J., Barquero, F., Fichtner, T., Schönekerl, C. (2019) Using free web-based tools for strengthening capacities and promotion of MAR. Presentation at the 10th International Symposium on Managed Aquifer Recharge. Madrid, Spain, 20-24 May 2019
- Sallwey, J, Glass, J., Fatkhutdinov, A., Fichtner, T., Junghanns, R., Stefan, C. (2018) Webbasierte Simulation und Management von künstlicher Grundwasseranreicherung. Presentation at the Conference "Messen, Modellieren, Managen in Hydrologie und Wasserressourcenbewirtschaftung (M3 Tag der Hidrologie)". Dresden, Germany, 22-23 March 2018
- Stefan, C., Junghanns, R., Glass, J., Sallwey, J., Fichtner, T., Fatkhutdinov, A. (2018) INOWAS DSS: web-based modeling framework for planning and assessment of managed aquifer recharge schemes. Presentation at the 16th Biennial Symposium on Managed Aquifer Recharge (BSMAR16). San Diego, California, USA, 6-7 March 2018
- Stefan, C., Junghanns, R., Glass, J., Sallwey, J., Fatkhutdinov, A., Fichtner, T., Barquero, F. (2017) A multi-scale perspective for the modeling of managed aquifer recharge (MAR) applications. Presentation at the 44th IAH Congress "Groundwater Heritage and Sustainability". Dubrovnik, Croatia, 25-29 September 2017. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.11205.14561
- Junghanns, R., Stefan, C., Glass, J., Sallwey, J., Fatkhutdinov, A. (2017) MODFLOW-based web modelling framework. Presentation at the 44th IAH Congress "Groundwater Heritage and Sustainability". Dubrovnik, Croatia, 25-29 September 2017. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.10366.28488
- Glass, J., Stefan, C., Junghanns, R. (2017) Free MODFLOW-based web modeling framework for planning and assessment of managed aquifer recharge schemes. Presentation at the MODFLOW and More 2017: "Modeling for Sustainability and Adaptation" Conference. Golden, Colorado, USA, 21-24 May 2017
- Stefan, C., Junghanns, R., Fatkhutdinov, A., Glass, J., Sallwey, J. (2017) Web-Based Modelling Framework for Planning and Assessment of Managed Aquifer Recharge Applications. Presentation at Dresden Nexus Conference 2017. Dresden, Germany, 17-19 May 2017
- Glass, J., Fichtner, T., Stefan, C. (2017) Stepwise calibration of hydraulic conductivity changes in a laboratory tank simulating managed aquifer recharge operation. Presentation at the 5th International Conference "HYDRUS Software Applications to Subsurface Flow and Contaminant Transport Problems". Prague, Czech Republic, 30-31 March 2017
- Stefan, C., Junghanns, R., Ringleb, J., Fatkhutdinov, A. (2016) Web-based decision support system for hydrological modeling. Presentation at the 3rd DAAD Alumni Workshop in Hanoi, Vietnam, October 26-28, 2016
- Sallwey, J., Ringleb, J., Fatkhutdinov, A., Junghanns, R., Stefan, C. (2016) Web-based decision support system for planning and management of MAR sites. Presentation at 43rd IAH Congress. Montpellier, France, September 25-29, 2016
- Stefan, C., Fatkhutdinov, A., Ringleb, J., Sallwey, J., Fichtner, T., Bonilla, J., Moreno, M., Barquero, F., Junghanns, R. (2016) Integrated web-based framework for planning and assessment of managed aquifer recharge applications. Presentation at 9th International Symposium on Managed Aquifer Recharge. Mexico City, Mexico, June 20-24, 2016
- Sallwey, J., Ringleb, J., Stefan, C. (2016) Potential of unsaturated soil zone models for assessment of managed aquifer recharge. Presentation at 9th International Symposium on Managed Aquifer Recharge. Mexico City, Mexico, June 20-24, 2016
- Ringleb, J., Via Rico, D.A., Stefan, C., Tran, T.V.N. (2016) Transient flow modelling of an exploited aquifer in the city of Hanoi, Vietnam and simulation of managed aquifer recharge measures. Presentation at 9th International Symposium on Managed Aquifer Recharge. Mexico City, Mexico, June 20-24, 2016
- Fatkhutdinov, A., Ringleb, J., Stefan, C. (2015) A web-GIS based modelling and data management tool for groundwater applications. Presentation at 42nd IAH Congress (AQUA2015). Rome, Italy, September 13-18, 2015
- Ringleb, J., Stefan, C. (2015) Review on model applications to evaluate managed aquifer recharge. Presentation at 42nd IAH Congress (AQUA2015). Rome, Italy, September 13-18, 2015
- Ringleb, J. (2014)
Quantifizierung von Grundwasserzustrom und Pestizideintrag in ein Fließgewässer. Master thesis. TU Bergakademie Freiberg / UFZ Leipzig - Ringleb, J. (2012)
Erosionsabschätzung für einen Ackerschlag bei Oederan/Sachsen und Erarbeitung von Maßnahmenvorschlägen zur Erosionsminderung. Bachelor thesis. TU Bergakademie Freiberg / Sächsischen Landesamt für Umwelt, Landwirtschaft und Geologie, Leipzig