Research Infrastructure
TUD research campus in Hoyerswerda: Emission-free, intelligent, safe and multimodal mobility of the future
The vision:
- Combining automated and cooperative vehicles, aircraft and robotics as a technological super-accelerator for the mobility of tomorrow on the road, in the field and in the air
- Construction of ultra-modern research infrastructure for the development, authorization and technical monitoring of automated and connected driving
- Testing and certification of unmanned aircraft as well as recultivation robotics
- Creation of software ecosystems for a lively start-up scene
- Living lab for digitalized mobility technologies
- Concentration and combination of globally unparalleled research infrastructure and equipment, such as a highly immersive driving simulator, drone and robotics technologies, as well as national and international expertise
- Construction of sustainable and permanent structures
Contributions to structural change:
- Creation of new employment positions for various qualifications
- Economic development and support Establishment of start-ups, spin-off companies, and support of the local economy via conferences and congresses
- Development of urban infrastructure
- Education of professionals via courses for Master's students of TUD in Hoyerswerda
- Cultural diversity via international students and staff
Research priority areas
- Energy, Mobility and Environment
Prof. Fricke is one of the PIs of the SML and responsible for Advanced Air Mobility and highly-automated flying. Click here for the initial source of this text and contact details to the SML.

RTG Speaker
NameHerr Prof. Hartmut Fricke
Aviation / Logistics
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