Prof. Dr.-Ing. Günther Prokop
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NameProf. Dr.-Ing. Günther Prokop
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Visiting address:
Jante-Bau, JAN 20 George-Bähr-Straße 1b
01069 Dresden
Curriculum Vitae
1998 | Doktor-Ingenieur, Applied Mechanics, TU München: „Optimal process dynamics in robotic manipulation“ (Prof. F. Pfeiffer; with distinction). |
1988 – 1993 | Studies at TU München, Mechanical Engineering in Theory and Research, funded by Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung and Siemens-Studentenkreis (with distinction). |
Professional career
2018 – 2022 | Dean of the Faculty of Traffic and Transportation Sciences „Friedrich List“ at Technische Universität Dresden (22 chairs, approx. 300 scientific co-workers). |
2015 – 2018 | Managing Director of the Institute of Automotive Technology Dresden (3 chairs, approx. 50 scientific co-workers). |
2010 – current | Professor Automotive Engineering at TU Dresden. |
2002 – 2010 |
BMW AG München:
1999 – 2002 |
Audi AG Ingolstadt:
1998 – 1999 | University of California, Berkeley, USA: Visiting scholar at Mechanical Systems Control Laboratory (Prof. M. Tomizuka), Post-doc scholarship of German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). „Modeling human vehicle driving by model predictive online optimization“. |
1993 – 1998 | TU München: Scientific Assistant, applied mechanics, robot dynamics and control. |
1993 | Visiting scholar at Cranfield University, U. K. (Prof. R. S. Sharp), „Active automotive suspensions“. |
2017 – current | IAMT mechatronics GmbH: Co-founder and 30% shareholder (expected turnover 2022: 2,7 Mio. EUR). |
2011 – current | AMFD – Auto Mobil Forschung Dresden GmbH: Founder and 51% Executive Partner (expected turnover 2022: 2,3 Mio. EUR). |
Publications, Honors and Awards
- 208 publications
- 4 books (2 as editor, 2 as author)
- 668journal articles (56 peer reviewed)
- more than 70 conference papers
- more than 25 technical reports
- 6 best paper awards
- 10 eingeladene
- 4 patents
- FISITA Academy of Technical Leadership Award 2022
- Innovationspreis Moderne Landwirtschaft 2022
- DAAD grant for postdoctoral studies abroad
- “Siemens Studentenkreis” scholarship
- Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung scholarship
- FAG Kugelfischer-Preis 1991
Services to the scientific community
- FISITA: Co-chair of Intelligent Safety Working Gorup”
- IAMTS: Co-chair of “Technical Leadership Committee”
- Doctoral students (25 finished, 38 in preparation, 21 served as reviewer)
- Boards and Committees
- Auto[nom]Mobility
- Int. ASAM Conference
- Reviewer: DFG, SAE, “Vehicles”, “Systems”, “Vehicle System Dynamics”
- ini.TUD graduate college (TU Dresden - Audi, 15 doctoral students, program coordinator)
- TechCenter i-protect (Daimler, Bosch, Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, TU Graz, Uni Stuttgart, TU Dresden, 4 doctoral students)
- CSC (Chinese Scholarship Council) Doctorate program (6 doctoral students)
- Summerschool “Control Theory in Automotive Engineering” 2015 (TU Dresden, University of California)
- Member in 12 appointment committees
- VDI: leading participation at VDI-MT 5900 „Experts in automotive and road transport“
- approx. 350 students per semester in basic, elective, experimental classes
- approx. 40 theses per year
- head of studies „Automotive and railway vehicle engineering“
Infrastructural projects
- TU Dresden Automotive Testing Center (28 Mio. EUR)
- TU Dresden Highly Immersive Driving Simulator (12 Mio. EUR)
- TU Dresden Smart Mobility Lab (87 Mio. EUR)
Selected research funding and sponsors
- (total research funding more than 20 Mio. EUR)
- Horizon 2020, BMBF, BMVI, Sächs. Ministerium für Wirtschaft und Arbeit
- Audi, Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen, BMW, Daimler, DEKRA, FSD - Fahrzeugsystemdaten, Goodyear, Horiba Europe, Hyundai, Porsche, TÜV Süd, Volkswagen
- Volkswagen AutoUni: lecture program “Total vehicle attribute engineering”, “Tire technology”