Sep 30, 2021
New online magazine "Verkehrslage"

The upper part of the online magazine: The slider at the top displays current topics and key topics of the faculty. To make sure you don't miss any news, you can subscribe to the newsletter or individual sections.
"Verkehrslage" is the name of the new online magazine of the "Friedrich List" Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences at TU Dresden (German “Verkehrslage” = English: traffic situation). It's online since the beginning of April and after this short time already contains a wide variety of articles and has a large readership. It is a "window" that regularly offers new insights into the world of transport and traffic sciences at TU Dresden and into the work of the more than 200 staff members at the faculty.
In the four sections "Research", "Studies", "People" and "Network", current topics from the faculty are informatively presented in German and English and supplemented with interesting additional information such as graphics, facts and figures, videos, links etc. "The spectrum of topics with great societal, social, economic and political relevance is large and diverse at our faculty. However, until now there was no suitable platform to present these topics and our input in their breadth and totality in a contemporary, clear and editorially and graphically appealing way. With 'Verkehrslage' we have now created a suitable instrument for this," says the Dean of the Faculty, Prof. Günther Prokop.
Above all, the online magazine wants to present the people at the faculty and their areas of research and activity, what drives them, how they approach projects, what they achieve. "In particular, we want to encourage and promote further networking and cooperation within the faculty and with other areas of TU Dresden, as well as outside with people from science, business, politics and society. Because only those who know about each other and get to know each other can identify common ground or common interests and goals," says the dean.
Current reporting in the online magazine "Verkehrslage" from May/June (selection):
- Automated and networked driving: Project TEMPUS investigates user acceptance and human-technology interaction
- "Reinforcement Learning" and traffic research - setting up a research group at the faculty
- BuS-Sim befriends students with programming
- Web tool for forecasting the utilisation of cycling infrastructure developed in the "bikeSim" project
- Parking space prognosis for multiple stops by Patrick Wolf receives recognition award from the Heureka Foundation
- Jack Asare Awuku from Ghana researches at the faculty for a year as a Humboldt Fellow
With "Verkehrslage", the faculty also wants to reach out to its former and future students. "We know that our graduates from the faculty and from the former School of Transport are very attached to their faculty and school and always interested in news from here. Through the online magazine, they are getting the news first-hand," says Günther Prokop. And for interested pupils as potential students, "Verkehrslage" offers a good overview of what "studying transport and traffic" means and where to go after graduation.
But the bilingual online magazine is even more than a mere "window". It offers the options of subscribing to a newsletter, taking part in surveys or registering for individual or all sections via the "Register" button at the top of the page in order to be informed promptly by e-mail about new entries from "Research", "Studies", "People" and "Network". As a further added value, the page below links to current "findings" from the internet on the topics of transport and mobility, both nationally and internationally. The TU Dresden's Twitter account is also integrated.
"We are curious to see how our online magazine will develop and how it will be received. Therefore, feedback, tips and new topics are very welcome - as is sharing or forwarding the link to the online magazine and the newsletter in order to constantly expand their reach," says the dean.
To the online magazine "Verkehrslage"
Contact person for the online magazine "Verkehrslage":
Anke Richter-Baxendale, Public Relations
"Friedrich List", Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, TU Dresden
phone: +49 351 463-34908
About the "Friedrich List" Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences at the TU Dresden:
The faculty is the only one in Germany dedicated to transport and traffic sciences and has an internationally recognized competence for sustainable mobility. The interdisciplinary research covers the entire range of transport on land and in the air. The faculty is a pioneer in the development of systemic solutions for the design of safe, efficient and sustainable transport systems according to technical, economic, ecological and social criteria. Research and teaching are carried out in an interdisciplinary network within the TU Dresden and the DRESDEN-concept association as well as together with national and international partners from science and practice. More than 200 scientists research and teach at seven institutes and 20 professorships. The faculty offers 6 own study programs, including the diploma degree in Transport Engineering, the bachelor degree in Transport Economics and 4 master programs. For practical applications in research and teaching, the researchers and 1,100 students of the faculty have access to around 30 laboratories or experimental and test facilities.