FINEAIR - Unterstützung des Feinstaubsensor-Projekt der "Global Shapers Community"
The university group "Dresden Hub" belongs to the "Global Shapers Community", which is a subsidiary organisation of the World Economic Forum. It is the group's objective to positively impact the local community by the means of various projects.
The current project is, after extensive research about particulate matter and nitrogen oxide pollution, to implement particulate matter sensors on TU Dresden's campus. The project's relevance becomes even clearer in conjunction with Dresden's Clean Air Programme (Luftreinhalteplan 2017).
It is currently planned to install ca. 10 particulate matter sensors on campus. They have minimal requirements for space and can be operated by up to 5 m long USB cabels. Ressources for hard and software are provided by a project of OK Labs Stuttgard The first 10 sensors will be financed by the Student Council of TU Dresden.
Since there is a threat of particulate matter pollution exceeding stipulated limits, especially at main thoroughfares, the sensors are intended to be installed on such sensitve locations. Interesting locations would be, for example: Nürnberger Straße, Bergstraße, Zellescher Weg or Nöthnitzer Straße. "Dresden Hub" is looking for volunteers who would like to "adopt" a sensor. This includes the launch of the sensor, for example near one's own office window, as well as a regular check if the sensor is still operating correctly. The university group will assist with these procedures.
The Chair of Transport Ecology is interested in the data obtained as well. We have therefore decided to support "Dresden Hub" with this exciting project. For example, within their seminar papers students can analyse and interpret the collected data, or compare it with municipal measuring stations.