Transport Services and Logistics
The term transport services summarizes all aspects of management that relate to the strategic long-term design, the tactical medium-term configuration and the operative planning and control of transport processes. Besides the operational requirements, transport services also consider business planning objectives when designing transport systems and processes.
Transport systems are embedded in superordinate value creation systems so that transport processes constitute parts of logistical value creation systems. Conversely, they manifest the framework and requirements for the design and the management of transport systems. Due to the diverse frameworks and requirements the complexity of the resulting decision problems is very high. At the chair of transport services and logistics mathematical optimisation approaches for controlling these complex management decisions are being researched, designed, implemented prototypically and evaluated scientifically.
The primary object of research at the chair is the further development as well as the fundamental reconceptualization of decision support systems for planning and managing transport systems and processes. The knowledge gained in fundamental research projects is transferred into practice and integrated into the pertinent course portfolio of the chair.