Oct 23, 2019
Marc Janka receives “Best Paper Award Controlling” of the Péter Horváth Foundation

The founder Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Péter Horváth with the awardee Dr. Marc Janka
Mr. Marc Janka was awarded the “Best Paper Award Controlling” of the Péter Hovárth Foundation at the 33rd Stuttgarter Controller & Management Forum1 on October 11th, 2019. The prize money of EUR 10,000 is one of the highest in the German-speaking area. He receives the prize for the research study “Management Control of New Product Development and Perceived Environmental Uncertainty: Exploring Heterogeneity using a Finite Mixture Approach” co-authored with Professor Thomas Guenther and published in the “Journal of Management Accounting Research (Vol. 30 No. 2) in 2018.2

Der Stifter Herr Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Péter Horváth bei seiner Laudatio. © Horváth & Partners

Herr Dr. Marc Janka bei seinem Kurzvortrag. © Horváth & Partners

© Horváth & Partners

© Horváth & Partners

© Horváth & Partners

Dr. Markus Wabnegg (Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Dissertations Preis), Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Péter Horváth (Stifter) und Dr. Marc Janka (Technische Universität Dresden, Best Paper Award) (v.l.n.r.) © Horváth & Partners
The study deals with management control in new product development under environmental uncertainty. Based on a survey conducted in 2009, 276 firms were statistically analyzed using a new analytical method in the field of management control research. By estimating finite mixtures, two different groups of companies with different configuration could be identified. The applied analytical method has already been used in marketing research to identify different customer segments and has been adapted for the first time in the management control research.
The results show that the first group (approx. ⅔ of the firms) emphasizes its controlling more strongly when facing high environmental uncertainty, while the second group (approx. ⅓ of the firms) reduces the emphasis. The two groups can be distinguished based on perceived complexity of the environmental uncertainty, their innovation strategy, and finally the effectiveness of controlling. It is interesting to note that both groups are successful in product development. While the two groups thus do not differ in their effectiveness (number of new products successfully launched on the market), there are indications, that the first group exhibits higher efficiency (success rate of completed product development projects). The differences in efficiency here confirm the effectivity of management controlling in product development when facing high environmental uncertainty for many firms.
The study therefore provides important impulses for both research and praxis.
Additional information
The “Stuttgarter Controller & Management Forum” is an annual event organized by the consulting firm “Horváth & Partners”.
The award-winning study can be downloaded from the American Accounting Association’s homepage at https://doi.org/10.2308/jmar-52019.