Bachelor Optional Studies/Diploma Main Studies I
Table of contents
Offered Courses
Research associate
NameMs Stefanie Einhorn (M. Sc.)
Room SCH B334
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The summer term's lecture basic principles of Controlling covers the duties and aims of Controlling and its organizational anchoring within a company. It will provide an overview of the different sub-systems of Controlling and introduces general tools that can be used in Controlling. Tools like: risk analysis, creative idea creations, and company analysis will be discussed. Furthermore, the lecture covers tools for the preparation and presentation of information.
For further information, please switch to the OPAL page of the current course.
Research associate
NameMs Stefanie Einhorn (M. Sc.)
Room SCH B334
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Cost accounting provides a variety of information that can be used in supporting corporate decisions. Based on the lectures "Cost accounting" and "Introduction to Management Accounting and Control", the lecture "Cost-based Decision Making" is being offered during winter term and discusses typical decisions in business management, like profit analysis, project controlling, the deduction of price barriers, break-even-analyses, and the control of decentralized business units based on transfer prices.
For further information, please switch to the OPAL page of the current course.
Research associate
NameMs Dipl.-Wi.-Ing. Xenia Börner
Room SCH B335
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Office hours:
On appointment
This course is being offered during summer term. There is no possibility to avoid all risks in an unpredictable future, however, the accuracy of planning can be improved and risks should be taken into account while making business decisions. The handling of risks is a central challenge within business management. This course covers both different methods of risk identification, quantitative risk valuations, aggregation of risks and the handling of risks and organizational structures of risk management systems enabling a continuous monitoring of risks. Hereby, it will be shown how risk management can be efficiently used within Controlling, strategic management, and the budgeting. Furthermore, it will be discussed how information on the risk level can be used in the planning of the financing process, a risk-adjusted valuation of investment projects, and the calculation of cost of capital.
For further information, please switch to the OPAL page of the current course.
NameMs Dipl.-Wi.-Ing. Xenia Börner
Room FAL 408
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Office hours:
Appointments by arrangement
This course is being offered during summer term. The students will be introduced to the use of MS Excel. At the beginning of the course, the basic functions will be explained and applied by the course participants based on different cases. Furthermore, the course covers advanced applications of MS Excel, like goal seeking, the solver function, and the use of pivot-tables. Building on this, the students develop solutions for economic cases based on MS Excel and discuss their solutions during the course. Those cases cover topics like: direct costing, planning of production programs, break-even-analyses, and sensitivity analyses. Furthermore, the course provides an introduction to the Excel-Addin @Risk that allows for a risk analysis based on Monte Carlo-simulations and, thus, for an analysis of the possible results and the probability distributions within the model.
For further information, please switch to the OPAL page of the current course.
Veranstaltung „Analytics Tools im Controlling“ (Audi AG)
Research associate
NameMs Dipl.-Wi.-Ing. Xenia Börner
Room SCH B335
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Office hours:
On appointment
In dieser Lehrveranstaltung wird ein Einblick in das Controlling Umfeld der technischen Entwicklung bei AUDI AG in Form eines Gastvortags gegeben, sowie eine Einführung in die dort gängigen Analytics Tools. Anschließend bearbeiten die Studierenden in Arbeitsgruppen über einen Zeitraum von 5 Wochen eigenständig die Arbeitsaufgabe mit Controlling- spezifischen Fragen an einem Datensatz mit diesen Tools und visualisieren ihre Ergebnisse entsprechend.
Die Studierenden präsentieren ihre Arbeitsergebnisse in Form einer Präsentation zum Abschlusstermin der Veranstaltung.
Für wen ist dieser Kurs interessant?:
- die bereits Einführungsveranstaltung in Controlling besucht haben
- mit Freude am Erlernen von neuen Analytics / Business Intelligence Tools, konkret KNIME und Power BI
- die gerne in Gruppenarbeit kreativ die Arbeitsaufgaben lösen