Master/Diploma Main Studies II
Table of contents
Offered Courses
Research associate
NameMs Dipl.-Wi.-Ing. Xenia Börner
Room SCH B335
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Office hours:
On appointment
The course strategic management and control is being offered during winter term and addresses the generation of corporate group and business strategies. The student becomes acquainted with the most important concepts of analyzing the internal and external environment of a company. Strategic success factors will be derived by using tools like portfolio diagrams, life cycle analysis or the experience curve. Furthermore, the course focuses on the shareholder value concept, strategic control and a strategic early enlightenment.
For further information, please switch to the OPAL page of the current course.
Research associate
NameMs Valeria Knels (M. Sc.)
Room SCH B335
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Office hours:
On appointment
This course is offered during summer term. The balance sheet and the profit and loss statement are important fundamentals of controlling a company. With reference to a real world company this course therefore aims to carry out a financial statement analysis. Furthermore, business ratios and methods of empirical insolvency prognoses will be presented and discussed.
For further information, please switch to the OPAL page of the current course.
Research associate
NameMs Dipl.-Wi.-Ing. Xenia Börner
Room SCH B335
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Office hours:
On appointment
This course is being offered during summer term. Since the late 1980s the value based management or rather the focus on the shareholder value as a target value of a company gained great interest in the academic literature. Therefore, this course aims to provide an overview of the various methods of determining a shareholder value (WACC, APV, FTE, etc.) and introduces to the concept of value based management (CVA, M/B ratio, etc.).
For further information, please switch to the OPAL page of the current course.
NameMr Dr. rer. pol. Sebastian Oelrich LL.M.oec.
Raum SCH B332
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This lecture is being offered during summer term and consists of two interrelated parts: cost management and time and quality management. In the first part (i. e., cost management) the students will learn about the philosophy, the procedures and the diverse methods of cost management. It is intended to manage both reactively and proactively cost positions and cost structures.
In the second part (i. e., time and quality management) you will learn about the philosophy, the procedures and the diverse methods of quality and time management. It is intended to actively manage quality and time as essential corners of the magical triangle besides costs. Overall, the lectures focus therefore on the aim to close the existing gap between strategic and operational planning and implementation.
This course will be completely held in English language.
For further information, please switch to the OPAL page of the current course.
Research associate
NameMs Valeria Knels (M. Sc.)
Room SCH B335
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Office hours:
On appointment
In this project work students will get the task to evaluate a given stock listed company. This task comprises as well a strategic and a financial analysis. Furthermore, the future development should be assessed by calculating the enterprise value.
For further information, please switch to the OPAL page of the current course.
NameMs Dipl.-Wi.-Ing. Xenia Börner
Room FAL 408
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Office hours:
Appointments by arrangement
This course is being offered during winter term. Prof. Dr. Werner Gleißner of the Future Value Group AG focuses within his course on the profound decision preparation for the top management. In particular, he will explain the requirements for "entrepreneurial decisions" to be observed due to the specification of the Business Judgement Rule (§93 AktG) and the information to be provided here (in decision documents). Based on the model of the rational homo economicus, the paper also presents findings from psychological research on the real decision-making behavior of people and shows ways of avoiding "thinking traps". Subsequently, methods for the risk-appropriate evaluation of options for action are explained. Based on a critique of the CAPM, methods are presented which, starting from risk analysis and risk simulation, and thus the volatility of cash flows, and taking into account the risk of insolvency, allow the derivation of costs of capital and thus the evaluation of investments or strategic options for action ("valuation in imperfect capital markets"). Please find access to the catalog module by using this link.
NameMs Dipl.-Wi.-Ing. Xenia Börner
Room FAL 408
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Office hours:
Appointments by arrangement
The planning and forecasting of future developments are naturally characterized by a high degree of uncertainty and represents a major challenge for companies of all industries and sizes. For this reason, the planning function is an essential component of the Controlling division. During the course, Dr. Frank Tiefenbeck, Partner at BearingPoint GmbH, and his team of experienced consultants will explain the methodology and practical implementation of the planning function. Further information about the current course can be found in OPAL.
NameMs Dipl.-Wi.-Ing. Xenia Börner
Room FAL 408
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Office hours:
Appointments by arrangement
During this two-day workshop you will first get a theoretical insight into various toolings to support management decisions in a financial context. The central element of the second day will be the application of your newly learned skills in the context of a case study. You will process information of a fictitious online retailer and contribute to answering various business questions. You will pitch your results to your fellow students and the consultants from KPMG. Further information about the current course can be found in OPAL.
Research associate
NameMs Dipl.-Wi.-Ing. Xenia Börner
Room SCH B335
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Office hours:
On appointment
Die Lehrveranstaltung gibt den Studierenden einen umfangreichen Einblick in den Bereich Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) aus den verschiedensten Blickrichtungen eines M&A Beraters. Im Rahmen der Veranstaltung wird durch die Dozenten der gesamte M&A Prozess mit allen beteiligten Stakeholdern anhand einer praxisnahen Case Study gemeinsam mit den Studierenden erarbeitet. Die Teilnehmer bekommen, neben der Vermittlung der theoretischen Grundlagen einer komplexen Transaktion, praxisnahe Fertigkeiten aus der Transaktionsberatung nähergebracht und können diese in der integrierten Case Study anwenden. Die Lehrveranstaltung wird von einem M&A Beraterteam von Grant Thornton Deutschland begleitet.