Application of Plant Cells in White Biotechnology: Transfer of innovative methods for the application of plant cells in food, wood, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries by an interdisciplinary group of junior scientists
Table of contents
The three-year project will be realized in close interdisciplinary collaboration with the Institutes of Food Technology and Bioprocess Engineering, Wood and Paper Technology, and Botany of the TU Dresden. The chair of Environmental Management and Accounting is also involved, researching hurdles for the industrial application of the technique and works on their ecological and economic assessment.
Although white biotechnology application with plant cells has considerable advantages, the industrial application is still underachieved. The project's objective is to identify the hurdles and to present possible solutions.
The technique's profitability and environmental effect will be researched on one exemplary technique of white biotechnology. For this reason, the production process will be modelled and analysed with classic tools of business studies and environmental performance concepts with the objective of identifying significant variables for ecological and economical improvements.
A further objective is to create a competent, highly motivated group of young scientists and create usable know-how in Saxony.
For further information to the project please click here.
Team Leadership
Dr.-Ing. Juliane Steingroewer, Institute of Food Technology and Bioprocess Engineering (TUD)
Project Leadership
Prof. Dr. Thomas Bley, Institute of Food Technology and Bioprocess Engineering (TUD)
Subproject Leadership
Prof. Dr. Edeltraud Günther
Dipl.-Kffr. Anne-Karen Hüske, MGE
Prof. Dr. Thomas Bley, Institute of Food Technology and Bioprocess Engineering (TUD)
Dr.-Ing. Juliane Steingroewer, Institute of Food Technology and Bioprocess Engineering (TUD)
Prof. Dr. Jutta Ludwig-Müller, Institute of Botany (TUD)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. André Wagenführ, Professor of Wood and Paper Technology (TUD)
10/2009 – 09/2012
- Günther, E. & Hueske, A.-K., 2015. How stakeholder shape innovation in controversial industries: the biotechnology industry in Germany. Umweltwirtschaftsforum, 23(3): 77-86. (VHB-JOURQUAL: D)
- Hueske, A.-K., Endrikat, J. & Guenther, E., 2015. External environment, the innovating organization, and its individuals: A multilevel model for identifying innovation barriers accounting for social uncertainties. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 35: 45-70. (VHB-JOURQUAL: C, HB: 0,4)
- Hueske, A.-K. & Guenther, E. 2014. What hampers innovation? External stakeholders, the organization, groups and individuals: A systematic review of empirical innovation barrier research. Management Review Quaterly, in Press. (VHB-JOURQUAL: C, HB: 0,1)
- Günther, E., & Hüske, A.-K. 2012 Hemmnisse für die Anwendung biotechnologischer Verfahren in Deutschland In: Biotechnologie-Industrie-Organisation Deutschland e.V. (Hrsg.) Jahrbuch 2012: 48-49.
Günther, E.; Endrikat, J. (2011): Die Delphi-Methode. In: wisu Das Wirtschaftsstudium, 40. Jg., 2011, Heft 2, S. 202-203.
- Günther, E.; Weber, G.; Hüske, A.-K.: Stakeholder-Management. In: wisu Das Wirtschaftsstudium, 39. Jg., 2010, H.7, S. 926-927.
- Nowack, M.; Endrikat, J.; Günther, E. (2011): Review of Delphi-based scenario studies: Quality and design considerations. In: Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Volume 78, Issue 9, November 2011, pp. 1603-1615. doi:10.1016/j.techfore.2011.03.006, [Removed image: Data URL Alternative text: Image caption: ] online:
- Hueske, A.-K. & Guenther, E. 2013. What hampers innovation? External stakeholders, the organization, groups and individuals: A systematic review of empirical innovation barrier research – Paper presented at the VHB Pfingsttagungy 2013 in Würzburg (Germany).
- Hueske, A.-K. & Guenther, E.. 2011. In search for theory: What hampers innovation? Academy of Mangement. Konzeption des Caucus während der Konferenz Academy of Management in San Antonio, Texas (USA) am 16.08.2011
- Hueske, A.-K. & Guenther, E. 2010. Dare to innovate by taking care of hurdles to innovation. Academy of Mangement. Konzeption und Organisation des Professional Development Workshop während der Konferenz Academy of Management in Montreal (Kanada) am 06.08.2010.
- Pflanzliche Wirkstoffe aus dem Bioreaktor – Pflanzenzellkulturen als innovative Produktionssysteme. Posterpräsentation im Rahmen des Forum Natürliche Inhaltsstoffe, Traunreut, 20.10.2011 (Felix Lenk, Christiane Haas, Katja Geipel, Sibylle Schulz, Annemarie Lippert, Joachim Püschel, Jan Endrikat, Anne-Karen Hüske, Hubertus Delenk, Thomas Bley, Andre Wagenführ, Edeltraud Günther, Jutta Ludwig-Müller, Juliane Steingroewer)
- White Biotechnology with Plant cells: Development of a process for the production of plant active substances for the food, wood, pharmaceutical and cosmetics industry. Posterpräsentation im Rahmen des Saxon Biotechnology Symposium, Dresden, 02.05.2011 (Felix Lenk, Christiane Haas, Katja Geipel, Sibylle Schulz, Annemarie Lippert, Joachim Püschel, Jan Endrikat, Anne-Karen Hüske, Hubertus Delenk, Thomas Bley, Andre Wagenführ, Edeltraud Günther, Jutta Ludwig-Müller, Juliane Steingroewer)
- Weiße Biotechnologie mit Pflanzenzellen. Posterpräsentation im Rahmen der InterLabTec, München, 24. - 25.03.2011 (Felix Lenk, Christiane Haas, Katja Geipel, Sibylle Schulz, Annemarie Lippert, Joachim Püschel, Jan Endrikat, Anne-Karen Hüske, Hubertus Delenk, Thomas Bley, Andre Wagenführ, Edeltraud Günther, Jutta Ludwig-Müller, Juliane Steingroewer)
- Biotech mit Sonnenblume, Salbei und Beinwell (Alumni TU Dresden)