C³ – Carbon Concrete Composite
Table of contents
Reinforced concrete is the most commonly used material for construction, but it also has some drawbacks in terms of high resource consumption and a limited life span of only 40 to 80 years. Bridges, among many other constructions, are continuously becoming more of a safety risk. For this reason, the “C3 – CARBON CONCRETE COMPOSITE” formed, a consortium with the objective of the development of a textile-fibre reinforced concrete as an environmentally and resource friendly alternative to the commonly used reinforced concrete. The project, funded by the “Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)” in the context of the program “Zwanzig20” with 45 million euros, is expected to lay the foundations for the objective of replacing at least 20 % of the steel reinforcements with carbon reinforcements in new constructions. While possessing better technical properties and enabling new design possibilities for concrete engineering due to lighter and more delicate structures, textile-reinforced concrete also has the advantage of significantly decreasing the energy consumption and CO2-emissions in the manufacturing process and when in use on a construction site. Therefore this innovative construction material makes a contribution to saving our valuable resources.
In this project, the Chair of Sustainability Management and Environmental Accounting is responsible for a holistic ecological evaluation and optimisation of the textile-reinforced concrete. In this context, the environmental impacts of this building material are being analysed throughout the entire lifecycle, based on the Life Cycle Assessment according to DIN EN ISO 14040 and DIN EN ISO 14044. In the course of this, the building material is modelled, including the upstream chains, transport routes, and recycling (cradle-to-grave), with the objective of identifying critical variables for an ecologic and economic optimisation.
The Chair is / has been involoved in the following sub-projects:
- C³-B4: „Multifunktionale Bauteile aus Carbonbeton am Beispiel der aktivierten Gebäudehülle“ (project processing)
- C³-V1.5: „Abbruch, Rückbau und Recycling“ (project processing)
- C³-V2.10: „Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung von Carbonbeton“ (project lead)
Further information: http://www.bauen-neu-denken.de/
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. E.h. Manfred Curbach, Institut für Massivbau
Sub-Project Leadership
Currently, there are more than 160 scientific and practical partners in the consortium. Partners of the TU Dresden i.a.: • Institut für Baubetriebswesen • Institut für Bauklimatik • Institut für Baustoffe • Institut für Massivbau (Initiator) • Institut für Mechanik und Flächentragwerke • Institut für Statik und Dynamik der Tragwerke • Institut für Textilmaschinen und Textile Hochleistungswerkstofftechnik
- 2014 bis 2020
- BMBF (Programm Zwanzig20)
- Internationaler Controllerverein (ICV) (Eds.) unter Mitarbeit von Günther, E. und Ilg. P. 2015. Investitionscontrolling 2.0 – Planung und Realisierung von Investitionen zur Erreichung der Nachhaltigkeitsziele. Wörthsee.
Press Review
- "nano": report broadcast about the C³-project (at 22:28min. 3sat: "nano", 02.11.2015)
- Textilbeton erhält bauliche Zulassung
- Dresdens Millionen-Baustoff (Sächsische Zeitung, 27.06.2104)
- Textilbeton als leistungsfähiger Werkstoff (Youtube)