CAMPER-MOVE: CAMPus Energy consumption Reduction - Measures for energy optimization for a resource-saving consumption development. On the way to energy-efficiency campus of TU Dresden
Transformation processes at district and city level form a pillar of the energy transition in Germany. The approx. 8300 employees and 36000 students account for a considerable part of the city's energy and traffic volumes. The CAMPER-MOVE project is dedicated to the challenges that arise in the course of the necessary transformation processes for the TU Dresden campus. It builds on the project CAMPER (funded by the BMWi, FKZ 03ET1319A, duration 10/2015 - 03/2019), in which an energy and GHG development plan was prepared on the basis of an in-depth energy analysis and put to practical measures. In CAMPER-MOVE, practical implementations are to be supported by scientific monitoring and optimization and assessed with regard to their effect and practical suitability. The experiences flow into further conceptual considerations. "MOVE" stands symbolically for the transformation process towards an energy efficiency campus, which is driven by scientific support.
Prof. Dr.-Ing Clemens Felsmann
Time span
04/2019 to 03/2024
Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy, funding measure: application-oriented non-nuclear R & D in the 6th Energy Research Program of the federal government,area of funding: energy-optimized buildings and neighborhoods - decentralized and solar power supply
Cooperation at TUD
Chair of Building Energy Systems and Heat Supply
Institute of Building Construction
Institute of Building Climatology