SMART - Water Domain: Framework for Organizational Decision-Making Process in Water Reuse for Smart Cities
Table of contents
This research project is funded under the joint call on smart water management for a sustainable society and brings together 11 academic institutions from 5 European countries and Japan. The aim of the project is to promote cooperation between these two geographical regions on smart urban water reuse uptake under a private public partnership scheme.
Water availability is becoming a growing challenge in the urban systems and this could be magnified by extensive industrial activities. Sustainability of cities and communities rely on sustainable industrial activities, which could face drawbacks in their operations, especially the sectors that rely heavily on water. Water reuse has been applied in the agricultural sector worldwide, but its uptake in the urban environment on an industrial setting is still not widely considered. SMART-WaterDomain seeks to develop efficient and sustainable water management systems that optimize quality and quantity of water at stages of its supply, discharge, reclamation and resource recovery and to address links and gaps between available technologies and industrial requirements on water quality and quantity.
The project foresees the development of a tool that will enable digitally accounting for wastewater re-use that can be used to “credit” companies and utilities that substitute freshwater for treated wastewater. Furthermore, through the collaboration on an international setting, SMART-WaterDomain aims to enhance and develop new interdisciplinary and intercultural insights into research designs for the use of wastewater as part of a wider water sustainability strategy.
As one of the German partners of this project, TUD aims to identify opportunities and barriers in using wastewater treatment technologies by industries and to address key challenges from stakeholders across the industrial, political and social sphere. The partners will collect, analyse and present technical, environmental and economic data for private and public (utility) actors in order to measure, monitor and manage water sustainability, as well as develop indicators and undertake data-collection/analysis protocols in order to demonstrate successes of schemes.
United Nations University Institute for Integrated Management of Material Fluxes and of Resources (FLORES), Dresden, Germany
Prof. Dr. Remmer Sassen
Dr. Jonathan C. Morris
07/2020 bis 06/2023
- University of Łódź, Łódź, Poland
- Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences (Wuels), Wroclaw, Poland
- CzechGlobe - Global Change Research Institute CAS, Brno, Czech Republic
- Environmental Institute (EI), Koš, Slovakia
- Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovak University of Technology (SlovakGlobe), Bratislava, Slovakia
- Nature Research Centre of Lithuania (NRC), Vilnius, Lithuania
- United Nations University Institute for Advanced Study of Sustainability (IAS), Tokyo, Japan
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)
Technical report of Work Package 2: Opportunities and Barriers