Energiewende Sachsen in a Transnational contect
Strategies and Approaches for a more Sustainable Energy Supply
The German “Energiewende” leads to fundamental changes of the energy sector in Saxony. Seven junior scientists from the Chair of Energy Economics and the Chair of Electrical Energy Supply are working interdisciplinarily on solutions for the transition towards and design of an energy system, which is mainly based on renewable energies. They focus on the state Saxony, but embed their work into a transnational framework. Moreover, they qualify professionally in the field of Energy Economics and Electrical Energy Supply.
Objectives and main topics:
- Developing strategies to integrate renewable energies into the energy system in Saxony
- Developing solutions for sustainable energy systems in sparsely populated rural regions
- Impacts of renewable energy grid integration on transmission-, distribution- and low-voltage grids and conventional power generation
- Cross-sectoral macro- and microeconomic aspects of the transition process, e.g. impact on prices and network charges
- Harmonization of the national transition process with the European framework and social aspects of the transition process
Contribution of the Chair of Energy Economics
The potential contribution of renewable energies to the energy supply in Saxony will be examined supported with GIS, followed by analyzing the influence of further renewable energy grid integration on long term investments in conventional production-, storage and transmission capacity. Additionally, the effects on conventional power plant dispatch and storage capacities as well as load flows in the transmission grid will be investigated on a detailed operational level. For this purpose the energy system models of the chair of Energy Economics are extended and applied. Also overarching aspects of the transition process are addressed, such as the impact on decisions of single actors in the energy sector and energy markets as a whole with focus on Saxony, but also in the European framework. In this regard, also questions concerning market design will be discussed.
Financing / Project Executing Organisation
European Social Fund of the state of Saxony (Europäischer Sozialfond im Freistaat Sachsen, ESF)
Devolopment bank of Saxony (Sächsische Aufbaubank, SAB)
Federal State Ministery for Science and Art (Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst, SMWK)
Internal / External Projectpartners
TU Dresden, Chair of Electrical Power Systems, Prof. Schegner
TU Vienna, Energy Economics Group, Prof. Haas, Dr. Auer
TU Graz, Institute of Electric Facilities, Prof. Fickert
1st November 2012 until 31th Dezember 2014