Facts and figures
- In 2003, Prof. Dr. Udo Buscher became the holder of the Chair of Industrial Management.
- Currently, there are 17 staff members, which are supported by 6 student assistants.
- Since 2003, 201 publications were created, including numerous articles in internationally renowned scientific journals.
- 123 Bachelor, 125 Master and 227 Diploma students have written their final thesis at the Chair.
- Until now, 16 doctorates and two habilitations have been successfully completed. On average, a dissertation has about 315 pages. There were, however, outliers below (124 pages) and above (701 pages).
- The staff members have taken part in the competition for the most family-friendly Chair at the TU Dresden with a total of 32 children during their time here - this equals 1.5 children per year.