LaTeX - Overview
On this page you will find the LaTeX template for your Master, Bachelor or Diploma thesis for LaTeX, a typesetting system that you will need to use to write your thesis. To use the template, it is first of all important to include some files (.cls , .sty) class files and package files in your LaTeX distribution.
For beginners LaTeX is initially not very easy to understand but a good alternative to Word to create challenging documents. You have an unlimited possibility to create a consistent and error-free document with LaTeX. This is due to the community behind LaTeX, that are constantly developing new packets.
A detailed documentation of the template can be found here along with introductory presentation here.
Link to issue tracker: Issues
It is recommended
- To write with LaTeX from the very beginning and not to import the work from Word to LaTeX.
This would significantly increase the time that you invest into your work. (No matter how often it is recommended, it is done again and again). Whoever works from the beginning with LaTex gets used to the Tricks of the system. LaTeX supports your scientific work methods from the beginning. You can therefore mainly concentrate on the content and not on the formatting from your work. We would recommend beginners to use a very simple literature management programme like: Jabref.
Use the editor Texmaker
Unavoidable Facts
- The most common mistake is to store the texmf folder in the wrong place. In a Mac OSX environment this must be under Libraries. It is compulsory to use Benutzer-> Libraries and not from the ROOT managed libraries. In a Windows environment with MikTeX you can save the texmf Ordner where you prefer but after you should set this texmf file as User-Managed-Directory under Start->Miktex->Settings. Make sure that you have enough user rights for this area. Save the texmf preferably in Documents.
- It is often forgotten to set the correct coding for .tex and .bib. Set your editor to ISO-8859-15, also known as Latin9 and their literature management software also to ISO-8859-15 aka Latin9.
- Please compile with BibTeX before you contact us because question marks in the document.
If you had an error (e.g. symbol, that you should have avoided with the Command-Symbol \, compile BibTeX first to remove this mistake from the .bbl. - Then again PDFLaTeX, so that the .bbl can be newly processed. But generally it goes: no BibTeX, no quotations. It is evident, that PDFLaTeX cannot process Literature alone.
- Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten schreiben mit LaTeX: Leitfaden für Einsteiger von Joachim Schlosser as a reference for scientific works with LaTeX.
- The LaTeX Companion oder auch der LaTeX Begleiter von Frank Mittelbach to understand as a technical reference. Within the 1137 pages you will definitely find an answer for every question, that will arise in the course of your work with this template.